
A Commoner's Courage

There's once a Commoner Named Fisch GrimmHærth. But one Day a Catasthropic Event happened on their village. And Thats Where Fisch Awakened His Power.

PenguinLeader · ファンタジー
4 Chs


On a Sunny Day, A Stone House near the Grypton Lake. A Weak Man named Fisch GrimmHærth is sitting on the bench while watching the fishes swim, but a sudden rain started

"Aw Man" Fisch said while going back home. "Hi Fisch, Welcome back" His mom said while holding a teapot. Fisch replied with "Hi Ma".

And a bunch of Gigantic Meteor Appeared on all Places of Sworthenvin and other Regions

While Meteor's raining from the skies, Fisch and His mom started panicked and hid on their basement.

12 Hours Later.

"I think its safe outside now" Fisch said.

"I think so" His mom answered.

They slowly opened the basement door and They're shocked on what they saw outside. They saw an army of Giapis (Giant Bees) and Anthrotle (Beetle-Human) marching on the town while all the houses are turned into pieces.

"We Should hide again" His mom whispered and Fisch agreed.

But they hear footsteps on their house floor going into the basement's door.

Fisch Mother used "Lock Magic : Protect" on the door so no one can unlock the door without the spellcaster's consent

A anthrotle tried to smashed the door using its Pure Brute Strength and the door shattered

The two panicked and started hiding on the boxes far from the door but a anthrotle enchanter used "Search Magic : Seek" and the locations of the two had been revealed

Fisch Mother said "Run Fisch, Run!!" and so Fisch ran as fast as he could, "MA!" Fisch shouted while looking back.

His Mom smiled at him before he got brutally sliced by a anthrotle combatant