
A Certain Chaotic Wild Horse

Ranma Saotome from Ranma 1/2 was reincarnated in a crossover anime world as Kamijou Touma!? What will happen to him in a new world as a character that have a luck that sometimes much more worse than his old chaotic life?( A lot of character from many animes will appear here) *Story will be a bit different from original source material *And Touma in this novel will not heroic but a bit lazy and love a good fight. Support me in Patreon.com/Raylight25

Raylight25 · アニメ·コミックス
104 Chs

Chapter 3 - Yuragi Sou

Misaka Mikoto, was left dumbfounded and astonished by what had just happened. During this time, there had never been a single person in Academy City who could withstand her lightning strike so easily like Touma. And again Touma did it so easily like without trying at all.

And by the time Mikoto had awakened from the surprise she was experiencing, Touma had disappeared from her sight and was seen walking leisurely towards the bus stop.

Mikoto, who felt disapproved, that her lightning strike was easily resisted by someone she didn't know at all, ran towards Touma while shouting loudly.

"Oooi wait a minute!" Mikoto shouted. "Don't just leave! Explain to me how you can withstand my lightning strike!"

Mikoto's insistence, made Touma feel a little annoyed. Mikoto's competitive nature and not wanting to lose was something that troubled Touma.

That's why Touma didn't care about Mikoto at all and jumped onto the roof of the building right in front of him to avoid her.

Of course to keep Mikoto from following him, Touma left an after image of himself by moving so fast to distract her. Because Touma knew, that Mikoto could use her ability as an Electromaster to jump to a high place just like her.

That's why a distraction like an after image is something that is needed so that Mikoto is deceived and loses track of him.

Mikoto, who felt that she already caught up to Touma, want to interrogate Touma so that she could find out the reason why Touma was able to neutralize her lightning.

Unfortunately as soon as she touched Touma's shoulder, her hand pierced Touma's body instead. Bcause basically what she touched was Touma after image.

And when Mikoto realized that she had been deceived by Touma's after image, Mikoto's anger rose instantly and she immediately shouted:

"You idiot! Just watch out the next time I see you! I'll make you tell me why you were able to stop my lightning strike!"


"Sigh, that lightning girl is really troublesome," Touma said who could still hear Mikoto's loud scream even though she was already quite a distance away from Mikoto. "Thank goodness I was able to trick her by using After Image, because otherwise she would have kept chasing me."

After getting on the bus with the direction to go to his residence, Touma finally got off the bus on a large hill with a Japanese-style inn standing right on top of the hill.

For the Academy city which is a futuristic city that has technology thirty years ahead of existing technology.

The existence of a large hill and a Japanese-style inn in the middle of a futuristic city, might be lool strange. But because the Japanese government required the existence of a large green environment in the middle academy city, as one of the requirement so that the academy city could be established, the big hill and the traditional Japanese-style inn that stood on the hill were not destroyed.

Hiko Seijuro, Touma's grandfather, uses the connections he has with the Japanese government so that he can make the hill and the inn that stands on it to become his. Currently apart from Hiko and Touma who were staying at the inn.

There are a few more people staying at Yuuragi's inn, because the cost of renting a room at Yuuragi's inn is very cheap and the facilities in the inn are equivalent to five-star hotels. Therefore, people who rent rooms at Yuuragi's Inn feel very happy to be able to get five-star facilities at a low price.

When Touma arrived in front of the inn, there was a girl with brown hair in a ponytail wearing an apron, who was sweeping the leaves that were scattered around the inn.

The girl's name was Shizuka Kasagi, Touma's classmate who was in charge of taking care of Yuuragi's inn. Because her dead parents were the former caretakers of the Yuuragi Inn before Shizuka.

*Shizuka Kasagi is one of the heroines of Invader of Rokuojyuma.

"Welcome Touma-san," Shizuka said while smiling at Touma. "Today you came home a little late."


"I'm home Shizuka-san," Touma said. "I came home a bit late because I ran into a bit of trouble on my way home."

"Are you late because you helped someone, or was it because you were being chased by level 0 thugs looking for trouble with you?" Asked Shizuka who didn't think it was strange if Touma came home late because he was helping other people or being chased by thugs.

"Today I didn't have time to help other people nor was I chased by the remaining thugs from Skill Out, what happened to me was even worse than usual," Replied Touma. "I was chased by Level 5 number 3, Misaka Mikoto. Because I didn't react at all when she was surrounded by a bunch of thugs. Well, a level 5 like her doesn't seem to need my help just to deal with a bunch of thugs. So that's why I act like I don't see her at all."

"Well, your actions can't be said as a wrong act, but I think her anger to you also not wrong, because as a gentlemen is an obligation to help a girl ," Shizuka said who was surprised when she heard Touma being chased by a level 5 Esper. "Since she is one of the strongest Espers in Academy City, your help isn't really needed at all. I was surprised that you came home safely without getting hurt at all."

"I managed to escape by moving so fast to the point I leave an After Image to trick her," Touma said. "I'm lazy when I have to deal with a troublesome girl like her."

"What a strange coincidence, you were able to meet a level five Esper like her," Shizuka said. "Your fate is really strange, Touma-san. To the point that your life seems like a dating simulator, because so many things that only happen in romantic games or anime are strangely happen to you, in real life."

"Well, I also don't understand why my life can be like a dating simulator," Touma said who knew the reason for his strange fate but didn't want to tell anyone to avoid trouble. "But I'll just live my life, anyway so far I can overcome all the problems that come to me."

"But being able to meet three five Espers from number three to five even you are quite clode with Misaki Shokuhou who is ranked fifth of level 5 Esper," Shizuka said who felt a little jealous of the closeness between Misaki and Touma. "Even if I'm not mistaken you met Shizuri Mugino number four of a level five Esper teo days ago right? The one who tried to defeat you but failed because you managed to escape from her yet again."

"Well, I'm really unlucky because over the past week I've met with her three times," Touma said. "A yandere girl like Mugino is the type I want to avoid as much as possible, since she's more troublesome than Misaka."


Near the entrance to the Academy City, there were four people from the magic side who were about to enter the city. A tall, red-haired man with a nearly finished cigarette in his mouth. A Japanese girl with long hair in a pony tail, and a silver-haired girl in a nun's outfit. Plus a short black haired girl who wears a sailor uniform and holds a guitar bag following the three previously mentioned people from behind.

The arrival of the four of them, to the Academy City is unknown to anyone but Aleister, but what is clear is that the meeting of the four of them with Touma is something that cannot be avoided..

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