
Naming ceremony

Bluestar took the lead when they got closer to the camp "just don't show your afraid" Firpaw whispered in my ear I nodded thanks to him and sped up once we entered the camp I knew what Firepaw meant when he said that, the clan cats were looking at me with hostile eyes I felt like a piece of pray. Bluestar lead me to a big rock in the middle of the camp when we got close enough to the rock Bluestar jumped up the rock when I was about to join her Firepaw stopped me and signaled for me to go sit in front of the rock. I went to sit at the front of the rock all eyes looked at me I wanted to shrink away but I stud my ground hoping they couldn't see my fear "let all cats old enough to hunt join me under the stone" Bluestar called the cats when every cat was there she began "my clan I have brought you an apprentice this young cat wishes to join our clan I have accepted her though she does not have to be accepted by you I would like you to allow her to prove her worth" the clan began yowling in disagreement. Silver felt like the clan would never except her when Bluestar raised her tail in silence there were still a few cats yowling against Silver being there but it seemed that Bluestar didn't notice for she just continued with the meeting "lets get on with the naming ceremony, do you swear you will uphold the rules of the clans that you will defend your clan with tooth and claw and that your leaders word is law" Silver thought about her answer in silence she thought about how clan life would be and then she had her answer. She raised her head up high and proud and with a stern voice she said "YES I do" Bluestar continued the ceremony "then I leader of thunder clan give you your new name from now on your name will be Moonpaw and your mentor will be Ravenwing" when Moonpaw's naming ceremony was done no one cheered her name, not even Firepaw. Bluestar jumped down next to Moonpaw Bluestar leaned down and whispered " the ones who don't cheer are the ones who you need to prove yourself to" in a louder tone "Ravenwing and Firepaw show Moonpaw around camp" with that she padded away. A slim black tom came padding up to her with Firepaw bouncing behind him "Moonpaw! you're officially apart of our clan" Firepaw said excitedly but he stopped abruptly when he saw Moonpaw "hey what's wrong" he asked concerned Moonpaw looked up to meet his gaze "Its nothing" she said trying to sound unconcerned. Firepaw nodded and started to walk past Moonpaw he gestured with his tail to follow Moonpaw followed behind Firepaw and Ravenwing took up the rear they went to a very fortified den Ravenwing stepped forward and with his deep and strong voice said "this is the nursery were mothers or pregnant cats stay" Raven stepped in and out came a playful little kit, Ravenwing stepped out of the nursery after the little kit. the little kit padded up to her, he started circling around her. Moonpaw was getting irritated from all the circling "what are you a vulture" she joked with a hint of anger she knew if she snapped at the small kit she would get in trouble and besides he was just a curious kit. The kit stepped back with a sad expression is it because I called him a vulture moonpaw wandered, moonpaw sighed and apologized to the little kit. Ravenwing, Firepaw and her continued walking around the camp she saw how the clan cats worked together and took care of each other at the end of everything they stopped at the apprentice den "alright time for both of you to sleep" ravenwing said in his deep voice. Firepaw and moonpaw padded into the den "I'll help you make a nest" Firepaw offered "ok" moonpaw excepted firepaw grabed some moss from a leftover nest and put it in a neat pile next to his. Firepaw and Moonpaw laid down in their nests and fell deeply into sleep.
