
A career to begin; sing for me

Emma the only child of a single mom; Ambitious, smart, and beautiful whose only dream was to get her boyfriend signed to the top ranking entertainment company in the country got what she always wanted. However, she turned to an old school overnight according to jeff(her boyfriend). "you bore me Emma, an old school that is what you are" Emma broke down but was forced out of her shell to come pay the price of getting jeff signed into Emperor sounds. ****** "Sign the contracts, you will undergo training to be a solo artiste. "Are you being serious, just because I said i will do anything does it mean i will do anything? "I think this is an offer you shouldn't be contemplating on, i mean i could help you get back at people, you can take your time i will be waiting for you. Emma listened silently; inside and was more confused. "You know what Mr CEO, i will get back to you.

Smilepen · 都市
4 Chs

The star

"I love you shine. The heavy screams, camera shuttering and display of placards filled the atmosphere, as the hottest selling female artist from Emepor sounds was called on stage to perform at the #Musicfest23.

"Welcome on stage SHiNE.

The stage lighting focused on a dazzling figure, shinning bright in a black dress, which complemented her pale skin.

My world

I'm gonna dine wine

Shine bright like a rockstar

Blue sky

Dreams come through

The crowd sing along to the best selling song of the year.

"We love you shine, the crowd screamed after the performance.

"I love you all. Shine replied while going backstage.

" That was awesome shine,OMG my skipped thousands of beats. James, Shine's hyperactive talent manager couldn't help but compliment.

"Can you get a bottle of water I'm so thirsty, Do i have to remind you ugh.

"I'm so sorry shine, here you go drink up.

Shine grabbed the of water and gulp down,

Let's get going i need to rest.

"Well, shine you are not done yet, you need to change your dress now cause you will be presenting an award tonight. James replied while pointing to the changing room.

Shine who couldn't hide her displeasure shouted and draw attention to herself "what do you mean by that, what sort of schedule is that.

"Calm down shine people are watching.

The production team backstage were busy staring at the duo as.

"Shine is yelling at her assistant.

"That's her manager, they're both drama queens

"Don't say that he's obviously annoying Shine, she is the sweetest soul ever.

James let's go Shine responded trying to divert attention from them.


James followed swiftly behind her, what a drama queen.

"I heard that!


The next day at Shine's apartment the sun was shining bright in it's glory, The housekeeper was cleaning the living room when James on a blonde haircut, and a pink jumpsuit walked.

"Can't you greet cleaner? James who's ready to pick on jerry asked.

The infuriated jerry who has a long lasting enemity with James, pretended not have heard him.


"Whatever, is Shine ready.

She is in her room, go Wake her up.

"You! James was enraged.

"I told you to wake her up, Can't you help with anything? You fool.

Noticing the anger in James tone, Jerry smiled.

"I am a cleaner, remember?

I will get back at you for this, James responded while rushing to Shine's room.

"Good morning star.

A lifeless looking body moved.

"What is it, why won't you let me rest. Shine grumbled.

"OMG you look beautiful my star, stand up, freshen up we have an interview to attend.

Then go don't stress, Shine lie back down.


My bad, you have an interview.

"Gosh, Shine was angered.

Don't you get it James, I'm so tired so cancel my appointment with them.

"Shine, this interview is a once in a lifetime thing please don't blow it. James pleaded.

"Get out, Shine yelled.

James rushed out of Shine's room,"that crazy child she's going to get herself in trouble at this rate.

"Jerry I'm famished what did you cook.


The showbizzy

"Why is she not here yet, have you called her manager? Miss Jessica inquired from the production team.

" He isn't picking up, and we have just 15 minutes to the interview. Kenneth responded.

"This has never happened before inform the boss, Jessica walk out of the set.


"What the hell have i been seeing online, why didn't the interview hold, Cliff the CEO of THE SHOWBIZZY in his early 30's thundered.

Sir we are sorry sir, the fidgeting Jessica managed to talk.

"I need to know why the interview failed to hold, what do you have to say my name is been dragged in the mud.

"Well sir, the fault was not from our side, the artist from Emepor sounds you insisted should be invited didn't show up.

Clifford seem to calm down a bit after hearing Emperor sounds. "So you mean the artist is from Emepor sounds.

"Yes sir, Shine to be precise sir.

You can leave now, and send in the PR head. Jessica walk out of the office, then he reach out for his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, am i speaking with Bethel.

"Yes, and you are?

"I'm Clifford CEO of The Showbizzy

"How can I help you.

"Well an artist from your company, was scheduled to have an interview with us today and she didn't show up and this had caused a buzz online, which could tarnish both our company and your company reputation.

"We are really sorry about that, i will get back to you.

This is really frustrating, Cliff exclaim.


"Phone rings" can it just stop ringing, someone failed to attend an interview I'm the one who's getting all the calls James laments and check who the caller is.



OMG, I'm freaking out, James was about to pee on his pants when he heard the voice from the other end of the call.

"Hello, Bethel deep masculine voice resounded.

"Heell, Before james could complete his sentence Bethel, interrupted.

"Be at the company by 9:00am tommorow.

"Should should i come alone James asked while starring at his feet.

"Come along with your artist.

"So..., Before James could complete his sentence, Bethel hung up.


He hung up.....Shine where the hell is that brat?

I'm right here, Shine eneters the living room

"Uhh... His eyes almost popped out as he saw Shine " you are here, begin to scratch his head.

So, I'm the brat right shine stared at him with disgust.

No, there is a problem at hand

"Are you trying to divert my attention? You should know better than anyone that i would not fall for that. Shine who seem uninterested in what James has to say grabs the car key. "I will be out with my friends.

"You can't go out.

"And what do you mean by that, Shine replied sharply.

The PR team are trying to help you cover up for not attending the interview.

"Do i look like i care, let them work they are paid for that, bye.