
Do I

The most beautiful dress I had ever laid eyes on sat on my body hugging my few curves and I looked great but I didn't feel great. My sister who is 10 years older than me was sitting at my wedding alone as a virgin and me Willow Cavanaugh a 23 year old was about to walk down the aisle thinking I knew what love was. There I was walking down the aisle seeing the familiar faces of family and friends when it hit me I'm too young to be tied down. Panic settled into me as I see a single tear drop from my fiancé's eye that are filled with love and faithfulness. My eyes don't look like that I thought to myself mine are cold and too young to be married I need to get out of here, but he'll try to chase me, you'll know he cares, but you don't. So I did what I thought was right I ran leaving David at the altar and my dad standing in the middle of the walkway. Not to mention our guests wide eyed with shock. What have I done I can't go back in there. I can't think while I run so I hail a taxi cab and get out of there. As I drive away I see David standing at the doors of the church and I strangely don't feel much regret from my actions. Should I, should I feel angry at myself even though I know it was the best thing to do but was it. Oh god just get me out of here.

I return to my now empty apartment as I planned to move in with David. It had already been put up for sale. "What am I going to do" I whisper to myself. I need to leave California but who do i tell. My closet friends Emily and Haley. Listening to the rings of my phone is unsettling in such an empty space as it rings about the walls but soon voices come from the other end. The faced looking back at me look worried no angry no disappointed maybe all 3. "Sweets where are you" the concerned voice of Emily whispers through my phone. "I'm at my old apartment" I reply "it's all empty already". "Why did you leave" a quick voice trying to hide the anger behind it says. "Haley not the right thing to say right now" Emily says In a hurried tone. "What I think we have a right to know why our friend walked out on her wedding day" She was right but did I even know why I walked out. "I'm just too young" I say which I think is the right answer is there a right answer to that question. "Bullshit, what's the real reason" Haley says. "I don't know" I say which I realize is the truth "I just couldn't but anyways I called you to let you know that I'm leaving California". "WHAT" I hear both of my friends say "you're leaving us". I explain it's only for a little while until I realize what I want in life and they know I need to do this for my self so I guess it's settled I'm leaving tomorrow for wherever life takes me. "Well thanks girls when I find the answer to that question I'll let you know". "Stay strong girly" Emily says. "We love you" Haley says with love in her voice. "I love you guys bye" the sound of the call ending brings tears to my eyes I knew it was bound to happen tears start flowing to my eyes and soon I'm sobbing. My cries echo through the empty apartment. I sit there in silence for a few minutes trying to regain my composure I hold back tears because I don't have time for crying I have to pack. Oh shit my clothes they're all at my house I mean David's house well I can't go there so I guess I'm going with no luggage no husband but hell of a lot of self assurance.
