
A boyfriend in hand, two treasures in sight.

... "When did at all become real?" "When I found out we were both just fooling ourselves" "What do you mean?" "Did you get together with me because you loved me?" "No...?" "So, why are we dating right now?" "Because I've actually fallen in love with you." "Close enough." ... Olivia Hart is dead. Figuratively speaking, of course. Do you know what it's like to have the most infinite of treasures and just when you're about to come into contact with it, it actually slips through your fingers? She does. And with what she actually lost, she feels she might have been better off dead. But perhaps she never really lost that treasure of hers. Perhaps it was just hidden from plain sight. And all it'll take for her to actually see it...was a certain business magnate. ...

Pulchra_Aurum · 都市
13 Chs

1 Broken Past

Five Years Ago

"Wes, I'm pregnant," A soft, loveable voice brokenly related. "What should we do?"

"Pr–Pregnant?," Her boyfriend frowned.

"Yeah," She released a shaky breath and tried to plow ahead. "I–I did the test today and—"

"You can't have the baby," His voice was cold and brooked absolutely no room for negotiations.

"Why not?"

"It's not that I don't want it," The truth lay clearly in his eyes. "We just don't have the finances to cater for one."

"I'm not going to abort this baby," Rodney screwed her eyes shut. This child, growing inside of her, she'd already promised it would never suffer the same fate unwanted children did.

"Be prepared to face it all on your own then," Wesley baited with an arrogant expression. There was no way she could bear to separate with him for the sake of some foetus. She loved him more than all else. Right?

"Fine, Wes," Her voice was calm. Accepting. "Goodbye."

Present Time

Cold calculating chocolate brown eyes, sharp with experience, bounced drowsily over the pieces of furniture in her room, looking brighter with the stream of sunlight flitting in through an open window.

Slipping her long athletic legs over the side of the bed which caused her stone grey comforters to slip to the ground, she made her way over to the adjoining bathroom so she could begin her day.

After taking some time to freshen up by doing her dentals and washing her face, she shimmied into a running sports bra top and shorts. Tying her short crop of hair that was already starting to curl past her nape into a petite bun and lacing her converse sneakers, Olivia stepped out of her residential mansion and went on a jog twice around the estate.

She didn't need to dwell on the past anymore. She was an independent woman now. The successful Olivia Hart. She didn't need someone as hopelessly scummy as her ex was.

After her run, she stopped at her favorite and frequented café to order a latte.

She needed the quick jolt of caffeine to set her day in motion. After taking residence on the bench outside the building, she sipped leisurely on the calming brew and went through the activities she needed to complete that day in her head.

Once done with her drink, she jogged back to her house.

Olivia took a rather long hot steaming bath, allowing herself to get lost and immersed in her thoughts as she soaked.

Her child...would have been five years old had it lived. It was rather unfortunate. She had been prepared to give her all into raising her child. Until the accident happened.

After completing her morning ritual, she slipped on a white bodycon, pumps and styled her hair before heading for her workplace, a classy bag serving as accessory.

Perhaps things would have been different had she stayed with that ex of hers back then. Or perhaps it was probably for the best.

She didn't need someone like him. Even though the child she sacrificed her relationship for was now gone, she couldn't say she regretted it. There was even some part of her that felt it was worth it.

She was right to have left him. All she had to do now was to stop dwelling on the past.

Moving on was long overdue anyway.
