
A bounty hunter living among the Multiverses.

A person with an incomplete moral compass lands on an island between worlds. And he discovers a special computer that will eventually make him the most feared bounty hunter in all the worlds.

Kriuswerus_Pl · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 8

After returning to his "island", Krystian collected all the letters, quickly jumped to the world of Harry Potter for firewood and after returning, he lit a fire and started cooking sausages on it, which he had obtained from the store robbed a few hours earlier. And he began to think about the next step .

Thanks to the idea taken from one of the most interesting games he had the opportunity to play. Krystian has already acquired the address, appearance and partial insight into the interior layout. The location of little Harry's bedroom is quite simple, it is the most visible window with curtains with patterns of small griffins. So the place where Lily is going to be killed is already known to him. However, the mystery now remains as to how to make Lily survive with such a depleted assortment available for the task.

There are about 1.5 days left until the appearance of the Dark Lord. So it's time to jump to another world in order to obtain powers that would make it possible, such as teleporting an object or person. It was out of the question, so Krystian had to really think a lot to come up with a plan that had at least a 70% chance of success. And after thinking for a long time and remembering some really Christmas movies. Krystian came up with a brilliant and quite difficult to implement idea.

However, the first and most difficult step was learning a specific spell from the cookbook. This spell was originally used when baking a specific cake, a cake that was made with sand fairies. The cake couldn't hold its shape due to the presence of these magical creatures in the cake. This spell was intended to hold the cake in the correct shape while baking. That is, according to the book, for about 40 minutes, but this spell required constant control of the object and the spell, breaking the focus risked blurring the spell and ruining the cake.

It also turned out that this spell is used on a lot of cakes, and apart from constant attention to constantly monitoring the spell, the spell does not consume a large amount of power, but rather a negligible amount. The longest dish requiring this enchantment, "Liliput Sand Pie" requires baking for 7 hours non-stop, and that is how long the spell is to be applied continuously.

However, learning the spell itself took Krystian many hours. The biggest problem was putting a spell on the entire object to keep it in a fixed place. Even if defacto this object must have been hanging in the air. Of course, the spell is very similar to a levitation spell, mainly by the wizard's will. However, this spell not only envelops the object in a telekinetic field, but compresses the object so that even a really heavy external force of up to 100 kilograms will not destroy the object. The good thing about this spell is that once you've mastered gaining control of an object, all you have to do is focus on the spell itself. And it literally doesn't require anything else, because according to the book, the spell will remember the shape of the object after a while and requires only a tiny amount of concentration and a constant supply of power. And the spell itself has a limit of 15 meters. So it is perfect for this task.

The next point of the plan required Krystian to go to the world of Harry Potter for a few specific items. Fortunately, thanks to the acquired vehicle, getting to the hardware store was not a problem. The shop was closed, but all you had to do was cut the lock again. In those days, only well-known and wealthy companies could have an alarm, but he wasn't sure. But after looting most of the tools and taking some spray paint to repaint the truck. Krystian put the items on the "island".

The next point of the plan required Krystian to go to the world of Harry Potter for a few specific items. Fortunately, thanks to the acquired vehicle, getting to the hardware store was not a problem. The shop was closed, but all you had to do was cut the lock again. In those days, only well-known and wealthy companies could have an alarm, but he wasn't sure. But after looting most of the tools and taking some spray paint to repaint the truck. Krystian put the items on the "island". And then from the fact that morning was approaching. Krystian sat on the roof and watched the Potters' house.

Today is October 31, so today Voldemort will come to Godric's valley to kill the Potter family. And while James' death does not bother him, Lily's death does not fall within the scope of his indifference. Mainly due to the fact that she is the target of his quest, and the fact that he hopes to have fun in this world by fixing the life of a certain Potions master. However, that's for later. Now in the Potters' house, he spotted a green flame in one part of the house through his stolen binoculars.

After changing the place of observation, looking at the Potters' house from a different angle. He saw that no one had come to them through the Floo network. On the contrary, the person who left home in this unconventional way was James Potter. From what he remembered, Potter was an Auror. So the probability that he went to work is really high.

An hour later, Krystian noticed Lily, who was feeding little Harry while staying in the kitchen on the ground floor. There was nothing interesting about it, but from the moment Lily started staying on the ground floor of her house. Krystian had many vantage points to be able to see Lily at any time.

And around 12 o'clock, Lily wearing a dark coat, holding little Harry in a pram. According to her dialogues directed at her son, she was heading to the store. So Krystian happily waited for the opportunity to perform the most crucial task in his plan.

However, yesterday's robbing of the store turned out to be a shot in the knee. Because for this reason, the time he had to complete this stage was greatly shortened.

However, when Lily left home and moved away from him to the right distance. Krystian using the window in the bathroom, which by chance was not closed. Krystian entered the bathroom and after a short look around the room. He headed first to Harry's room.

Harry's room was quite annoyingly red, most of the room was filled with stuffed animals, a bewitchment, a sofa and a wardrobe. However, the walls were quite red with the Potters emblem painted in yellow paint. It doesn't match the walls of the one-year-old's room, but he's not Harry's father here. So not having time to evaluate the interior design by James Potter. Krystian grabbed a suitable puppet by the window.

This plush toy depicted a classic 50 centimeter Bear with light brown fur and a small red tie. Krystian, having no time, took a walkie-talkie out of his pocket, activated it and, after cutting the material on the bear's ass, pushed the said device inside. And put it back in place.

Then Krystian took out a hand saw for wood and started to cut a hole perfectly next to Harry's bed. The opening was rectangular, and if Lily really wanted to cover Harry with her own body, she wouldn't be able to do it. And after casting a spell on the cut surface and preventing it from falling to the ground floor. After quickly cleaning up and covering his tracks, Krystian left the House and took a suitable place to observe the appropriate room.

Lily and Harry didn't return home for another hour, it turned out that the people from Godric's Hollow felt sorry for the shop owner. They started a fundraiser for the reactivation of the store in their town. The confusion surrounding this caused Lily's return from the store to be delayed. So unable to leave the observation site due to the spell. Krystian getting bored and controlling the spell. He waited until evening, listening to Lily. As she complained about James, Sirius and even heard an interesting bit about Severus.

Lily was a strange woman, or an overdose of so many potions had severely affected her brain. Though that was Krystian's opinion, after she had considered after so many years whether she had done the right thing by cutting herself off from said Potions Master.

However, apart from those "interesting" monologues of the Housewife. Time passed really slowly for the Bounty Hunter stuck in one place. However, when darkness fell, the most interesting part of the day began.

James had only recently returned home and was currently watching television in the living room on the ground floor. He was watching some nature film, because the sound of the TV reached even Harry's room. Lily was currently folding Harry's washed clothes into one of the wardrobes present in the room.

Attention from looking at Harry's room was diverted by a rather strange sound coming from a moment earlier in an empty street. The person in the black cloak, after an unexpected sudden appearance, was walking slowly towards the Potters' house. Krystian watched her carefully, but nothing was visible enough to draw his attention. Well, except for the deathly pale hands sticking out from under the black cloak clutching the wand in the right hand.

That person was, of course, Voldemort himself. Who, after entering the house, cast an alohomora spell on the front door to meet James Potter directing his wand straight at him. Krystian didn't hear what James said to Voldemort, but after a moment a green light was released from the Dark Lord's wand and James fell to the ground dead a second later.

After losing the image, Krystian focused on the sound coming from the walkie-talkie, waiting for the right moment.

(Voldemort)-You're lucky, I promised someone I'd leave you alive....

When he heard these words, he knew that the time had come and listened attentively to the dark lord's voice. And when he uttered the first syllable of the killing spell. And Krystian saw that Lily was getting ready to jump to shield Harry with her own body. Krystian deactivates the spell, only to hear a bang after a while. Lily Potter, through a hole cut in the floor, made a few hours earlier by Krystian, during the jump attempt, fell to the ground floor with a bang, landing on the hard floor in the kitchen.

(Voldemort)-Hehe...This woman really has more luck ... although for her, it can be Bad luck. But I came for you, my boy. Avada Kedavra.

When the shining green light coming from the baby's room was followed by a rather loud cry. Krystian knew that Voldemort, like in the canon, had temporarily lost his physical form. And a pop-up window confirmed the completion of the main task.


[<Harry Potter Dungeon>

Mission: Prevent the Death of Lily Potter-Evans[completed]

Side mission - Cancel the love potion in Lily Potter's body.

Reword: X4 Enhanced Magic Field Wards[Possible to pick up.]

additional Reword:???
