
[Chapter:5][Some family time.]


That was Echo's only thought as he looked at the paper before his eyes.

Putting aside his own 'Eidetic Memory', even with just his 'Mathematics', 'Sciences', 'Languages', etc… skills at level 29 or so, he was certain he would be able to ace this exam.

Granted, there were some harder, trickier questions sprinkled here and there, the ones that separate a 'Top 10' from 'Number 1' so to speak, but even those were far too easy to the current him.


Echo suddenly had a rather interesting thought.

'What if I display knowledge far above even the standard of the teachers…?'

While he wondered what would happen, he didn't want to risk the top score. He didn't know if he could submit the optional quests while failing the main one, but considering the efforts he spent in completing them, although he did get other rewards for his actions like his level and skills and even stat gains, he decided not to risk it.

'It's not like I won't get another choice…'

Toying with the idea of possibly trolling people made him want to smile, but the emotion disappeared just as soon as it had appeared.

Small things like these were basically the only ones that could induce a little joy or amusement in him, but alas.

'Doesn't matter…'

Shaking his head, he realised that his bad habit of getting distracted with everything but what he needed to focus on was showing up again.

'I really can't focus with the skill…'

Echo sighed as he used 'Focus' at level 50 effectiveness, something which Eh was forced to do since if he used the skill at a higher level, he wouldn't be able to do two things at once.

He still recalled his folly when he used the skill to its utmost despite his MP reserves growing far above that of a normal human's.

He didn't mind his mother and big sister finding out, of course. In fact, the only reason he didn't reveal everything to them is because they hadn't asked him yet.

But since they could sense him, it also meant any other supernatural being could too. Or at least, those as powerful as the two.

Or it could be that they felt his magical growth simply because of the various diagnosis spells they cast on him whenever they get the chance.

He didn't really know, but he decided not to risk it. While he didn't mind getting in trouble, knowing his family would be there to protect him even without him asking, he'd rather not trouble them due to his own negligence.

Anyway, the point of it all is, using 'Focus' at a level of effectiveness greater than level 50 causes him to be unable to multitask, meaning he wouldn't be able to use 'Void Fade' to conceal him MP.

Luckily, he found this early on.

'I'll have to get a multitasking skill. No, since the skill wouldn't change the fact that I'd still have my undivided focus on a single thing, something like parallel thoughts?'

With that thought in mind, Echo continued annihilating the paper.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"It's done!"

Rhianna raised her hands and shouted in joy, mimicked by several other tired examinees, as they stepped out of the gates.

"It wasn't that hard."

She looked back at her big brother who walked behind her, his face still as neutral and impassive as ever, and pouted.

"It was! You're just too good at studies if you felt it was easy."

She pouted at him, but shrunk back when his emotionless gaze fell on her.

'Ah…did I say something bad? Damn you Rhianna! Just when you're getting closer, you and your stinky mouth had to spoil it…'

Just as she was berating herself for probably estranging her relation with him even more than it already was, a hand that ruffled her hair brought her out of her thoughts.

"If you say so."

That was all Echo said, not knowing what was going on in her head, before he walked to the two women that were waving their hands at them.

'Ah…what am I thinking? Big brother loves me so much…why would he be mad at me?'

Her eyes flashed for a moment, the only one catching this shine being a poor brown haired youth who shivered as he felt the image of a certain pink haired terrifying young girl superimposing with the blue head, before he quickly looked away and ran like his life depended on it.

'What the fcuk!? There are freaking yanderes in the school!? I wanted to come here since it was previously an all-girls so I can see lots of boobs…'

The youth feel into a daze as he imagined all the heavenly boobs he could see, but then…


The same image sprung in his mind, holding a bloodied knife in her hand as she 'smiled' at him.

'I want to change schools!'

And that's how Kuoh lost a student before he even joined.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Echo paused as he looked at the new unexpected notification.

((Hidden Quest complete. Please check the details in [Quest] menu.))

While he was curious about what quest he had completed, with his family right in front of him, he decided to look at it after he goes home.

"Well? How did you do?"

"I'm sure they did fine. Look at them, don't they look happy?"

Rhianna was beaming, thought for a reason different from what they imagined, and as for Echo…

Well, through the years, they had learned to grasp the 'extremely subtle' signs he displayed in response to certain emotions, and could tell he was happy, and even a little surprised.

'Why is he surprised?'

The two of them pondered, but decided to ignore it after not finding an answer.

"Since we're out anyway, why don't we celebrate?"

"The scores aren't out yet you know?"

Leah ignored Rhianna's retort as she wrapped her hand around Echo's neck.

"Why don't you come with us this time? It's been a while since you left the house anyway."

Looking at her face, Echo knew she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, making him sigh.


"Yes! Let's go, I found this awesome spot a little outside the city, and you won't believe…"

"Slow down will you? We'll go by car. And mom you aren't driving Leah."

"Why!? I'm a good driver right!? Tell them Rhi-chan!"

"Umm…my stomach still churns when I recall the last time you took the wheel, Onee-chan…"

"Guh! Traitor!"

Leah looked at Rhianna as though she were Caesar betrayed by Brutus, making her stick her tongue out cutely.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

'Women and shopping…'

Echo shook his head, not being able to really comment on the subject.

'Not even my 'Scholar's Knowledge' let's me understand the first thing about women…'

Just goes to show the beauty of one of GOD's most mysterious creations.

Looking at the trio excitedly selecting clothes even though they had gone shopping just ten days ago, Echo sighed before deciding to busy himself.


. . . . . .


[Model Student(Instance)]

[No more OPPAI!(Hidden)]

. . . . . .

He mentally selected the second quest, making its window open.

. . . . . .

[No more OPPAI!]

Type : Hidden

Objective : Prevent [Issei Hyoudou] from joining Kuoh Academy

Reward : 500% EXP | Item [Boosted Gear] | Unlock Function [Relations]

((Quest complete. Report?))

. . . . . .

Echo raised a brow at the uniqueness of the objective.

'Issei Hyoudou…I don't know how I stopped him from attending Kuoh, but clearly, he is important in this world…'

Echo knew of beings called 'Protagonists', important people whose destinies make the world seemingly revolve around them.

They are, in a sense, completely absurd existences. It's like the very weight of their existence makes the laws of reality cave in around them. They are like a black hole in space time.

Fate and destiny actively support them in anything they do.

'Issei Hyoudou…'

Echo's eyes flashed as he realised two things.

One, he, as the [Gamer] in possession of the [Game], ranks higher than a world's protagonist. At least, the [Game] gives him the chance to oppose the absurd fate of a protagonist.


'He might be dangerous…'

Protagonists can never be underestimated. Echo had learnt it the hard way in his past life.

He had lost everything due to his own pride and ignorance. He wasn't going to let it happen again.

'Dangers need to be removed…'

His hollow eyes changed for what could be the first time in his new life as they shone for a brief moment.

((Conditions met. Skill [Bloodlust] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Killing Intent] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Murderous Aura] learned.))

His eyes turned normal just as quickly as they had changed, well, as normal as a pair of hollow, lightless eyes could be.

And just in time too, as Aya and Leah rushed towards him while looking around warily.

"What happened?"

Rhianna quickly followed the two as she too looked around, confused on why her mother and big sister looked so alert.


"It's nothing. I just thought I saw the guy they showed on TV this morning saying he escaped from prison."

"What a coincidence. I thought the same too."

"Eh!? Then shouldn't we leave this place?"

"No, I'm sure it was just my imagination."

"Probably. I doubt he'd really come to such a crowded place, right?"


Echo looked at the two women that had clearly rushed to his direction as they felt his killing intent and bloodlust and other things, and looking at each other like they were saying 'Nice excuse daughter/mother', and wondered how they still didn't suspect each other of being involved in the supernatural world.

For a moment, Echo actually wondered if the two were only acting like they didn't know about the other, but…

"But maybe you're right…"

"I mean, since Mom saw it too…"


'These two actually believed the other's excuse…'

Echo sighed as he shook his head.

Just as he was about to say something, however…

((A new Quest has been generated.))

. . . . . .

[Escaped Convict]

Type : Instance

Description : A supernatural convict has escaped from human prison. As a stray Fallen Angel mixed in with the the people in the mall, he is searching for a fresh young prey to hunt. Bring him down before he could harm anyone.

Objective : Kill the low-class Fallen Angel

Reward : 100% EXP | Perk [First Blood]

Optional Objective : Do not alert anyone that could be watching

Reward : 100% EXP | 1 Lottery Ticket

. . . . . .



Echo felt rather speechless when he realised that absurd excuse the two women had unwittingly given actually turned out to be true.

'Are you sure one of these two aren't the protagonists instead?'

He knew he was wrong, but he had no idea how close to the truth he was either.

Regardless, his eyes flashed at the sight of the reward.

'The five levels from the Hidden Quest, the level up while writing the exam, and these two…'

It was enough for him to max out his current 'Scholar' Job.

'Not alerting anyone…I can hide my appearance, presence, my smell, and other things with 'Void Fade' without risking erasing the spells on me…'

'And as for killing him…'

Echo stood up, gaining the others attention.

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

He could have just said he was going to the washroom, but Echo didn't like lying to those he cares for, even if seemingly necessary.

He didn't mind hiding stuff to make them worry less, which might seem hypocritical on his part, but he'd rather not lie to them unless absolutely necessary.

Aya and Leah looked slightly worried, still believing the other's excuse was true, thought they didn't know it really was true.

As for Rhianna, although she wondered where her big brother was going, she didn't ask since she didn't want him to think of her as someone nosy.

"Keep shopping."

He turned around and blended in with the crowd, and Aya and Leah recalled all the protections they had cast on him and Rhianna, individually capable of lasting against Ultimate Class Beings for several minutes, not to mention that the number of spells was actually twice as many, unknown to them, and let their worries rest a little.

"Well, let's continue then. Where were we?"

"Ah, Rhi-chan, look! This frock fits you, you could use it on a date to impress the lucky boy."


"Hehe, why are you so embarrassed? You're in high school already girl! When I was your age I…"

"Was still a virgin who hadn't even had her first kiss.", Aya finished Leah's sentence for her, making her freeze.

"And you're still a virgin still saving your first kiss for your 'destined one'."

"Mom! You promised not to tell anyone!"

Rhianna chuckled at the mother-daughter duo quarrelling before looking at the frock in question.

'A dare huh…? Maybe…I can ask Onii-chan to…'

She blushed at the thought, sneakily adding it in her bag.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Meanwhile, moving the focus to Echo…
