
a BL story

I woke up on a Saturday...oh wait-

sorry I forgot an introduction... my name is ________ I live in _____ and I came here from _____. I am in _______ high school, also don't tell anyone this! but.... I'm kind of an otaku... my fave manga is _______! but that doesn't matter so let's get on to the story now!

I woke up on a Saturday morning... wait what time is it? I look at my clock to see.... ITS 8 AM!!!???

I have to hurry! I quickly get dressed and run down stairs. "don't forget your lunch honey!" my mum screams across the house. my and my mum live together since my dad had left when I was 4 for another woman... but I don't remember much about him anyway! I get on my bike and cycle all the way to school, luckily I got there before the bell rang...

I got to my classroom and sat down...

huh? who's that? I thought.

there was someone sitting in the very far corner staring out of the window... "how did I not notice him?" I whispered, but he heard...

I quickly turned my head, embarrassed.

his hair was a navy blue... his eyes as black as the abyss...

wait what am I talking about? I just met him! I sighed "well I better just try get through this day..." I grumbled... maybe I should talk to him at break? no I might be nuisance... but this could be my only chance! sigh...I'll just go talk to him ... if I need up its my own fault!