

Leonard Julian Connor wasn't one to chase after girls but found himself chasing a certain air force officer. A pilot. He knew she was out of his league yet he wasn't discouraged as he was determined to win her over but she didn't want him in fact she detested him. Milena Ariel Smith wanted nothing but a carefree life as an air force officer where she could achieve anything especially her father's multi-dollar companies so as to widen their reach, she had so much to plan with the responsibility of being the heir apparent of the Smiths but being from a prestigious family with strict rules there was little she could do as her parents were punctilious about everything expecting so much from her yet she didn't let it discourage her until they made an announcement that changed her life forever. " I don't love you, Julian, don't you get it? You're just a bartender! A common delivery man. so not my type" every word she said broke my heart as I stare at her eyes. I never expected to be loathed by someone I love someday. Just when I wanted someone she didn't want me but I'm not going to give up. " I'll get a better job. Open a bar. I'm working on something. I need you in my life. Please give me a chance" I begged with teary eyes but she laughed so loud that it pierced my heart so I held her hands to comfort myself. You should have seen the way she yanked my hands off like it was infested with worms. " Don't touch me. You're everything that I despise. Stay away from me loser" What will happen when she finds out that the man she has insulted, rejected and disrespected was her supposed betrothal? Or what Julian might do when he learns who his betrothed wife was? Do you want to find out? Well, you're about to find out how fate played with both of them. Please leave comments and tips if you like the story: souvenir to boost my morale.

Tianna · ファンタジー
146 Chs

She made me do this

Trevor's POV

After my effort to get her here, she's about to back out. That's not going to happen. Not after convincing my board members for months now. I had to use that bastard as a loophole to get them to agree and she's leaving? She doesn't know it but she's not going back to that bastard. He won't accept her anyway, I'm the only one that can tolerate her arrogance. She's mine.

Knowing she's about to grab the doorknob, I quickly stand in her path and then hold her hands which she yanked off immediately it touches her warm delicate, and smooth skin.


Am I offended? No no. I'm excited to have gotten that far today, I can't wait to have her.

" What about the liquidated damages?" I asks purposely so she would know I spent money to prepare the contract. She glares at me hard then stepped back.

" Are you trying to stop me from leaving? Trevor!" Her words sounded like a warning. A threat of things to come but I don't care because she's not leaving here without signing them or paying for liquidated damages at least that's what lawyers call it. Logan turns to face me fully as if asking if that's what I'm doing.

That pussy.

" Attorney Evans, please" yeah, I couldn't trust her not to back out thank God I thought of this beforehand. Milena never ceases to amaze me.

" Mr, Trevor Harrington the employer has spent a sum of fifteen million dollars to enforce a contract with... " A loud bang caused by an unknown source interrupted the lawyer from proceeding with his speech. It resounded a second time causing a painful sting on my cheeks, and that's when I realized she had hit me. The sound I heard was a result of the slap.

" What do you take me for? Maximilian, where did you get this bastard from? This is the worst deal you have ever gotten me. I'm done taking orders from you. Just look at him, it's obvious he's trying to extort money from me. This is disappointing. Say one more word lawyer and I'll have your license revoked. Fucking amateurs " she blurted out in a fit of rage. Her eyes were dark and filled with murderous intent. She doesn't want to just slap me but she wants to kill me.


"I'm highly disappointed in you Mr. Harrington. The deal is off. All thanks to you my pilots are resigning" or they wouldn't. That weakling dares to rant. I simply rub my cheeks and take a step closer to her expecting her to back out but no, she takes her stand equally glaring at me. I walk closer almost breathing in her face then she pushes my back. I miss a footing causing me to stumble back, I was able to hold my weight unless I would have fallen on my ass. Ashamed and intimidated, I signal for my boys.

A group of them rushed into the room with guns and ammo pointing at the three of them. I hear gasps from the room which I ignored. My board members had begun to evacuate the room. To where I don't know cos I'm standing at the only exit. They better run; old fools.

" Sit down and sign it or we can do it the hard way" Logan, her loyal puppy decided to open his mouth but I had one of the boys knock him out before he ruins my plans with his unfiltered mouth beside I always hated him for wanting what I wanted and to think he has been with her for all this time just irks me. Isabella shakes her head by giving me puppy eyes but ignored her focusing on the beautiful blonde-haired girl in front of me who wouldn't stop staring at her unconscious friend on the floor.

" It hasn't gotten to this. A signature under duress isn't valid. We can sue you" Maximilian says getting all sweaty and scared. I'm surprised Miley hasn't said a thing. I must have shocked her by knocking Logan out or she just realized I have bad intentions. Oh no, my love.

" Shut up " I exclaimed getting frustrated with the turn of events. This isn't how I imagined it'll end. She just has to make things so damn difficult every time. There's no safe way with her. She made me do this.

" She has the right to reject your terms. No harm done" he interjected with pleading eyes. A glance was all it took for my boys to get the messages as they cracked their guns at him.

"We can negotiate. Let's negotiate" he says fidgeting and it's getting on my nerves. Multiple gunshots were all it took to shut him up which had Miley's eyes widen in awe and of course they had silencers. She looks from me to unconscious Trevor who is still lying cold on the floor and Maximilian who is lying in a pool of blood now with his eyes wide Open.

No witness, no case. Logan is useless so I don't think he'll be a problem. I just have to threaten him and he'll yield besides he's my next target.

" What did you do? Maximilian? OMG" Miley whispers finding difficult it to accept his death. It wouldn't come to this if she had signed the fucking thing.

" Sign them" I mutter as softly as I can after all she's the woman after my heart. Yet she keeps standing there without moving an inch. So, I did the only thing she'll adhere to.

" Sign it or he dies, "I say a little harshly to stimulate her then signal my boys to surround her, with their guns pointed at the unconscious Logan.

" Why are you doing this? Isabella? Are you in on this?" She asks my little kitty who looks scared as usual. Isabella shakes her head to get in her good graces and I chuckle.

" Sign them Miley, no one has to get hurt. Please. Your supervisor is dead. Logan is unconscious and he needs a doctor. Miley " aww. She's useful for once. Strong, proud Milena nods, turned around, and walked to the chair she was sitting on before.

" Where do I sign? " She asks after taking her seat. I followed her to the desk and toss her a pen. She flicks the golden pen, glares at me then sighed.

What is she thinking?

" Everywhere," I say with a smirk, it hasn't registered on my lips when the door came falling down with a loud thud.