

This story follows a girl named Amy Walker and a boy named Luke Hunters. It's really just about two people who like eachother in High school but they both are too scared to say it. They've known each other since what feels like the dawn of time but, they never really talk to one another. That all changes the first day of freshman year. Every cliche you could think of is in this story. You know the boy is the popular jock who plays with girls hearts but would never let anybody hurt Amy. Amy's the nerd who is shy and clams up in social situations. Why am I writing this if I know it will be a flop. Well, because it's my dream. I'm that girl who fell for the heartless jock. I thought he liked me too. But, it wasn't what I thought. This story is what I wanted and what I still hope will happen.

Please tell me if this sounds like an OK idea. If I'm gonna be honest Idc but every new author does this so yeah...

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