

There I was, taking a seat on my golden thrown. All my stuffed animals lined up perfectly in a straight line , my remote control cars that were hardly touched , but still organised , my trampoline that sat in the right corner, that never collected dust , because everyone knew I'd break down. I had everything, that any five year old would desire.

I'd command orders to my servants , also known as my mum and dad, but they never could understand me. I still couldn't talk , my speech was delayed , I was unable to stare them into their bright diamond eyes, I couldn't remain eye contact whatsoever, you think with all the toys I have, you'd assume I'd invite them to an orderly fashioned tea party , or force them to accompany me on an adventure through the Sahara dessert, where it would be dry as the leaves in winter. It would be like we're in a survival simulator, trying to seek for water or shade without being tricked by the oasis illusion, creating memories and unbreakable bonds.

HA! That is about as ludicrous as the mad hatter.

That's not how you play with stuffed animals!You assort them and organise them accordingly to however you please. My recommendation is line them up in a horizontal line.

That's how it's really done.