
This is Super Expensive Steak

編集者: Henyee Translations


Old Man Ian had just exploded into a thunderous rage and appeared to want nothing better than to burn down Mag's restaurant, yet all of a sudden, he was praising Mag's dish; all of the fury on his face had completely faded as he dined on this irresistible steak. This sudden mood swing had everyone's jaws dropping to the ground.

However, smiles soon appeared on everyone's faces. Everything made sense. After all, anyone who tasted Mag's food revered him as a Chef God, so who would dare to get angry at him? If he were to ban someone from his restaurant for disorderly conduct, it would be a massive loss for them.

In the kitchen, a smile had also appeared on Mag's face. He was confident in the ability of his cooking to dispel all doubts and judgment.

"Aisha, you were spot on with your 'delicious' premonition again. I'm pretty sure you have a 100% success rate there." Yabemiya nudged Sally's arm with a vibrant smile on her face.
