
Forget Me and Find Someone Nicer (8)

編集者: Henyee Translations

Their lips touched and it was the most familiar taste.

He Jiayu sensed something bitter as they kissed.

Gently wiping the tears from Su Xiaomo's cheeks with his fingers, he whispered, "Momo, don't cry."

But how could she not cry?

To most people, the past few days weren't any different, apart from the occasional news on the epidemic. But she was constantly on edge and could never relax.

"He Jiayu… can you not be a doctor anymore…" Su Xiaomo cried. "D- do this to me again and I'm going to die from a heart attack!"

She couldn't stop crying and He Jiayu cajoled her patiently.

Su Xiaomo only calmed down after a long while. She nudged at He Jiayu awkwardly and said, "You can't laugh at me!"

She had to look awful with all the tears and her runny nose.

He Jiayu chuckled, took some tissue paper, and dried her tears attentively. He even wiped her nose for her.

"I'm sorry I made you worry about me."
