
But I Can Leave You (4)

編集者: Henyee Translations

At first, only one or two people called out, but it soon infected the entire audience and all the guests joined in. "Kiss her! Kiss her now!"

Su Xiaomo was a little embarrassed by it. However, He Jiayu smiled, took her by the shoulders, and kissed her gently on her lips.

It was as if they could see no one else but each other.

The one and the only one.

This was received with a hearty round of applause. Su Xiaomo's parents wiped their tears, feeling sorry for owing her so much and not giving her enough love.

Fortunately, she had found the right person. All they wished now was that she could live happily ever after.

An Xiaxia watched attentively. There were stars practically flying out of her eyes.

That was so romantic…

He Jiayu had stood up for Su Xiaomo bravely, then kissed her like a gentleman… Unlike her and Sheng Yize… they had nothing…
