
I'm Not Done With You (11)

編集者: Henyee Translations

He let out a breath and swatted An Xiaxia on her bottom, whispering, "You're killing me!"

"Huh?" An Xiaxia's eyes went watery. "You hit me…"

"Did I? Where? Is it bad? How about you take off your clothes and let me examine you?" Sheng Yize smiled his scheming smile and teased her as usual…

Luckily, An Xiaxia was smart enough when she was sober. Pushing him away with flushing cheeks, she said, "No, I'm not taking off anything! Go drive!"

"I won't." Sheng Yize was a little vexed and played the rascal without hesitation.

He missed that adorable, drunken Xiaxia. She was cute and dumb… she would believe everything he said.

An Xiaxia said, "I'll drive if you won't!"

She grabbed the car key and moved happily to the driver's seat.

Sheng Yize had had a few drinks that night and was going to call his driver in the first place. Since the little woman had offered to drive, he happily obliged.
