
Thank You for Letting Me Down (7)

編集者: Henyee Translations

Sheng Yize smirked. "Go on!"

He wanted to see how much more she could hurt him.

"I never liked you that much, but you made me become your girlfriend… We were together long enough, so I grew to like you a bit, but it could have happened with any other guy." An Xiaxia began to make up her story. "You approached me because I felt familiar, right? That's because we lived together when we were little. You don't like me, you're just used to having me around. Can you tell how much of your feeling toward me is affection and how much is guilt?"

Sheng Yize clenched his fists so tightly that blue veins popped on the back of his hands. However, An Xiaxia was giving her performance of the year and didn't let anything betray her.

Each word was like a knife stabbing at his heart.
