
You Have No Right to Judge Her (2)

編集者: Henyee Translations

"What exam paper…" An Xiaxia vaguely felt something was wrong, but couldn't tell what it was.

"Stop acting! An Xiaxia, I've never met a student like you! This is outrageous!" The maths teacher was so angry that his lips were quivering. "I know you're not good at maths, but I never gave up on you! Your class teacher told me that you have good grades. As long as you pass maths, you have a good chance of getting into a good university. But what have you done? Instead of working hard, you're all about petty tricks!"

Some other teachers with no classes this period were also in the office, and they turned their gazes on An Xiaxia at the maths teacher's bellowing.

An Xiaxia felt as if she was on pins and needles. The searching or disdainful looks they gave her made her very uncomfortable.

"Sir, what are you talking about… I don't understand…" she said timidly.

The maths teacher snorted. "See for yourself! You got 76 out of 100!"
