
Reversal (4)

編集者: Henyee Translations

"I'm broke. Can't afford it." Sheng Yize wasn't in the mood and replied indifferently.

Chi Yuanfeng burst out laughing at that. Excuse me? Did the heir of the Sheng family just say that he had no money? Are you trying to get beaten up?!

"Brother, you're so zen now. Is Xiaxia the only person you care about in this world?"

"What's wrong with caring about my own girlfriend?" Sheng Yize replied matter-of-factly. "Oh, I forgot. You don't have one."

He briskly hung up after that, leaving Chi Yuanfeng to whimper alone in the wind like a mateless puppy.

Aww… Brother Yize, it's illegal to abuse a single person like this!


Sheng Yize drove his sports car at lightning speed and arrived at the An family home in no time.

On the second floor, the entire family had gathered outside An Xiaxia's room, doing everything they could to get the door open —
