
The wind chimes of memories (65)

Huang qingwu's words were like a knife to han yichu's heart.

Back then, qingwu had really wanted to forget him.

He realized how much damage he had caused to qingwu back then.

He didn't even dare to think about what he would do if qingwu really forgot about him completely.

He used to be afraid that she would remember those memories.

He knew that he had let qingwu down in the past. If she remembered, she might leave him.

That's why he's afraid. That's why he's been holding back from being in love with her. It's because he has a psychological shadow.

That day, after their first time, she was gone when he woke up.

"Qingwu, I'm sorry. I know, but that's all in the past. I can't change anything. Please believe me. I'll only love you from now on and treat you well. Don't say anything about forgetting or leaving. Without you, I'll die. I really will."

Han yichu held Feng Sujin's hand and placed it on her heart. Her heart was beating so fast and obviously.
