After breakfast, Zhizhong Gu went to his office, and saw that Bin Wang was standing by his door, eagerly awaiting him there.
"Anything I can help with?" Zhizhong behaved casually. He took out a key to open the door, as Bin Wang, not hesitating, followed Zhizhong Gu into his office directly.
"Hey Old Gu, I have found something big!" Bin Wang said with excitement.
"Take your time, have some water first." Zhizhong Gu took out a paper cup from a locker below the water dispenser, passing it to Bin Wang.
"Old Gu, I have found a good way for warming up." Bin Wang got some water for himself, then drank it.
Zhizhong Gu took off his jacket and hung it on a clothes tree, while asking, "What is it?"
"Square dance!" said Bin Wang.
"This is not funny at all!" Zhizhong Gu fetched a box of tea, shook the box toward Bin Wang, then asked, "Tea? This year's new tea. Not the best one, but tastes good."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: