
Expounding the Pros and Cons!

編集者: Atlas Studios

"You're full of yourself."

The judge looked at the Yang Qing in the dust and said nonchalantly.

It served him right!

This was what everyone present was thinking.

Yang Qing got to his feet, looking at the judge with an unfriendly expression as he said, "Humph humph! Old man, change is the only constant thing; the wheel of fortune turns! After my cultivation realm catches up to you, I'll definitely smack you into the ground!"

Smack him!

Smack him to death!

Everyone was shouting in their hearts.

However, the judge actually gave him a profound glance and said with a nod, "Boy, you're pretty good! I'll lend you this field!"

Yang Qing snorted again and said, "Don't think that lending the field can resolve the grudge; I'm very vengeful!"

The judge laughed loudly and said, "Alright. Then I'll wait for you!"
