
Eight Great Source Powerhouses!

編集者: Atlas Studios

Upon exchanging blows, Heaven Mandarin let out all sorts of strange cries, making Ye Yuan's scalp tingle.

However, these strange cries were extremely formidable. It actually contained sound wave attacks and achieved the same wondrous effect as the Voice of the Dragon God with different means.

Furthermore, Heaven Mandarin's sound wave attack was already not far from the power of source.

Coupled with the strength of a Fifth Firmament Heavenly Emperor, Ye Yuan was actually not a match by just relying on the power of the fleshy body.

"Hahaha, brat, know my prowess now?" Heaven Mandarin said smugly.

But right at this time, a series of sword cries sounded out. Ye Yuan already brought out his sword formation.

The moment the sword formation arose, Heaven Mandarin's expression suddenly changed and he cried out strangely, "Boy, I didn't expect that you still had such capability! Wifey, quickly come and help!"
