

編集者: Perriemix

"Why are you staring at me?" Ye Jiayao demanded.

"Did you mean what you said in front of the Emperor? Were you really willing to give me up?" Xia Chunyu asked, his voice cold and low.

Ye Jiayao rolled her eyes. When has he become so sensitive? "Chunyu, you don't belong to me. You're not mine to 'give up'. Honestly, I don't know why you just didn't take the out that I gave you."

Xia Chunyu's breath hitched in his chest.

Ye Jiayao continued, "Nice acting, though! Even I almost fell for that whole devoted husband act in front of the Emperor. Tell me, Chunyu, was that a necessary skill to learn to work for His Majesty?"

Xia Chunyu was so mad, he swore he just felt a vein on his forehead pop. Acting? I poured my heart out in front of the most powerful man in the region and you think I'm acting?

"Ye Jinxuan, you are cold-blooded," Xia Chunyu said angrily.
