

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A youth of about 12 appeared when the courtyard door was opened. He shouted in surprise when he saw the purple-clothed young woman. "Sister Butchie!" He turned behind him and shouted into the courtyard, "Ma, Sister Butchie is here!"

The young woman called Sister Butchie bent down and pinched the youth's childish cheeks back and forth while laughing away. "Ha! Paxy is still so tender! This skin makes me so jealous!" Paxy was wailing his complaints but likely knew resistance was futile, and he would just have to endure the ravages of the purple-clothed young lady.

Not long after, there was the sound of rapid footsteps, and a 40-something-year-old woman wearing an apron came rushing out of the house. As soon as she saw the purple-clothed young woman, she called with a voice full of excitement, "Butchie!"
