
He's an accomplice

"Zhao Yu, if I'm not wrong," Lee Bencheng tidied his hair and said,"this should be Miracle Island! The whole thing might be related to Grimm!"

"Mm ..." Zhao Yu said,"you're right, but it's a long story. Let's go out first!"

"Go out?" Lee Bencheng quickly pointed in three directions,"I've tried all three places, but there's no way out!"

"Oh?" Zhao Yu was surprised and asked,"you ... What have you been through? Where are you from?"

"I came from a passage in the South. It's a big place, like a maze!" Lee Bencheng said,"also, I should have died, but ... I don't know why, but their bullets didn't hurt me!"

"Ah?" Zhao Yu frowned and seemed to understand something. Perhaps Lee Bencheng had triggered the emergency evacuation ball that he had given him?

"That won't be fun!" Zhao Yu said gloomily,"we just happened to come from a direction you didn't go, and there's no way out!

"Well ... To be precise, there was one, but it was blown up by Grimm!"
