
The Stone Censer of Reunion

Ninedust chatted with Ji Ning as the two walked, while Daolord Laya just stared at Ning with a rather complex look on his face.

"What is it, Daolord Laya?" Ning suddenly became aware of Laya's stares.

"Brother Darknorth, you probably do not yet understand what being given a chance to take at treasure away from Thundersouth Palace represents." Daolord Laya hesitated a moment, a complex look on his face. "The Starflow race cares deeply about one particular treasure inside this place. If you were able to bring it out and then gift it to our race, we would be willing to pay you an enormous price for it."

"The Starflow race would like to trade with me for it?" Ning was stunned. "Has no member of the Starflow Daolords been able to take any treasures away with them when they left?"


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