
The Ancient Spirit Slaying Sect

In order to obtain the bloodlines of more ancient creatures, Leylin had conducted numerous experiments. However, none of them were successful.

The best result was what was in his hand — the quintessence of some ancient creature.

To most Magi, this was probably a precious treasure, but for Leylin, this was far from enough.

The A.I. Chip gave a prompt answer.

“As expected…” Leylin had already surmised this conjecture, and now it seemed to tally with the A.I. Chip’s calculations.

After a long period of time, the ancient bloodline in the mystical creatures in the south coast had been thinned out so much that if not for the amazing ability of the A.I. Chip, Leylin would not even be able to refine this blood that was full of impurities.

To obtain a pure ancient bloodline, it was necessary to gain blood samples from even stronger monsters.

The A.I. Chip had gathered that at the bare minimum, blood samples from a rank 3 creature had to be obtained.
