

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Maybe he was used to loneliness. But one day, Da Yi finally took in a wife.

Shen Lian's first impression of Da Yi's wife was how was it possible for such a beautiful person to exist in this world. His second thoughts on her were her terrifyingly deep cultivation experience.

If Da Yi was the most majestic mountain that was not crossable, this woman's cultivation experience was like the vast sea that had no end to it.

Without a doubt, Shen Lian determined that her state was at least above of Taiyi and had progressed further in cultivation compared to himself.

Shen Lian could not make sense of why a person like her would want to marry Da Yi. After all, she would have her own pride and she was one of the darlings of the essence of the universe. Why would she want to get married and be bonded to something?
