
Battle End

編集者: Atlas Studios

At that moment, the battle all around the Ice Throne reached a white-hot state. Perhaps due to the emergence of the Tentacle Orbis, the water elemental creatures attacked the Ice Throne more insanely, so much so that the mermaid warriors and players couldn't resist them any longer. Although the Tentacle Orbis struggled in the constant attacks from the players led by Gillian, the Ice Throne was the core of the water elemental plane, after all. The fire element was so much more contained in this place that even Gillian couldn't defeat the Tentacle Orbis entirely. If she were in other places, she could annihilate the Tentacle Orbis using her power as an elemental lord alone. But it was a pity that they had to be in the water elemental plane…

Well, one had to be humble when trapped in an inferior situation.
