
I Want to Kill People

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the space battleground, Yan Dan kept firing his arrows. He was like a crazy storm, flinging arrows at Han Sen without reprieve. He thought he could expose flaws in Han Sen's heart by telling him what had happened in his absence.

The arrows did not harm Han Sen. His body was still able to keep that fight-to-survive mode going. Not a single arrow was able to bring harm to his body.

Han Sen still tried his best to break the Flying Yan Spears' defense. He had a feeling that once he succeeded, he would be given something quite surprising.

Yan Dan coldly grunted. The southbound leaving bird gene race exploded. The arrows were given fire. They were no longer only operating in empty power mode.

A sky full of arrows came raining down on Han Sen. They were not transparent anymore. They came with very powerful fire arrow power. The moment they touched down on Han Sen's body, the arrows exploded like a sun.
