
Awkwardness of the Anti-Fang Alliance

編集者: Atlas Studios

Western Desert, Fang clan's headquarters.

"Open!" Mo Sha Ta shouted.

The killer move was activated, the immortal formation ahead was forced open.

The inside was completely empty.

Not a shred of resources were left, it was completely barren.

"This again!" Many Gu Immortals were angry and frustrated.

"Emptied, they emptied this as well…" Some muttered to themselves with expressions of dejectedness.

"Fang clan is so ruthless!" Some Gu Immortals' eyes were spewing fire, they gritted their teeth angrily.

"Just Fang clan alone cannot have such manpower or methods, they must be backed by Heaven Refining Demon Venerable!" Some of the Gu Immortals felt helpless.

This was Fang clan's final resource point.

Like the earlier resource points, nothing was left to the anti-Fang alliance.

The Gu Immortals discussed among themselves, it was a rowdy scene.

This was too different from their expectations!
