
Substation: Holletta

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hao Ren and his family happily paid respects to their own graves (no mistake about that) and everyone treated it like some bizarre experience – at least in the books for Lily and Nangong Wuyue. As Hao Ren looked at the majestic, yet solemn obsidian cenotaph, he said to Marshal Ophra, "I actually don't think we should be placed beside these people. It's just not right."

Marshal Ophra took it the wrong way. "But, this is the highest honour that is available according to our traditions. This is only second to the Pope and the king..."

"I didn't mean that." Hao Ren pointed to the statues close to his cenotaph, the closest to him was Bishop Gelton's statue. "These, are the real heroes that gave their lives in the Battle of Beinz. They deserve all the praise that you can shower on them, but us... We are still living. I don't think we have the right to be placed together with them. It just makes me... guilty."
