
Chapter 443: The Deadline Approaches

In early June, the broiling heat arrived as scheduled.

Though the vast waters of Dongting Lake provided some relief, in other places, the heat was oppressive, with scarce rainfall. Fortunately, the local people were accustomed to this, and when the time came, there was no delay in the distribution of high-temperature subsidies—iced drinks and other cooling benefits were available daily. Emei Pharmaceuticals worked overtime to send out a large number of heat-relief medicines to various locations.

Outdoor laborers had their working hours shortened, and neither bosses nor workers wanted to gamble with their lives. "If you try to be as merciless as Zhou Bapi, well then, I'd rather just leave and come back to work in the autumn when there are plenty of jobs."

For stay-at-home students, live streamers, and those who live off their parents, these times were blissful. They enjoyed air conditioning and watermelon while waiting for the frogs to return from their travels.
