
You Can’t Have Openings If You Don't Act

Seeing Sun Xiang walk toward the competitor booth just like that, the pro players were stunned.

It wasn't that they doubted this choice of player or anything, but… as of now, the judge still hadn't announced the final player choice of both teams. But from Samsara, Sun Xiang was walking toward the competitor booth just like that?

He was exposing information. 

Because of the random nature of the third round of playoffs, the player order was decided on the spot. If one went before the other, then it would be like revealing your move too early when playing rock-paper-scissors. The competition system couldn't allow this kind of flaw, so following normal procedure, the two teams would first report their players to the judge, the judge would confirm, and then it would be announced to the stadium through the big screen. Only then would the players go onstage, verified by the judge.


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