
The Match Point Outside the Equilibrium

Heat-Seeking Missile!

Jiang Botao heard the sound of the missile whistling through the air, but he wasn't able to have Empty Waves dodge while using Nebula Wave Slash. The Heat-Seeking Missile's area of effect wasn't something that could be evaded by just twisting around. To dodge it, he would need to move away by a considerable distance.

Dodge, or continue with Nebula Wave Slash? He could only choose one!

There was still time for him to dodge, but it would interrupt his Nebula Wave Slash. If he continued with Nebula Wave Slash, he wasn't certain he would succeed. If he didn't, everything would be lost. 

What should he do?

The thought flashed through everyone's mind. On the stage, Jiang Botao's Empty Waves didn't budge. He continued to pour magic into his Divine Chains. He didn't hesitate. He chose Nebula Wave Slash.

Will he succeed?  

The missile fell. Empty Waves swung his sword, completing the last of Nebula Wave Slash... 



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