
Downwind Offensive

"So fast!" countless people exclaimed.

Special battles on specific maps with unique traits didn't occur too often. Strong wind was common, but Gusty Garden was the only map that had wind sources creating gusts strong enough to change a character's speed so drastically.

As for how much of a speed increase this wind granted, it was unclear. The wind would have a different effect depending on a character's weight and strength stats. But judging from how rapidly the Blue Rain players were dashing around, the boost seemed to be at least 50%. 

And as soon as they entered the wind, the real value of this map to Blue Rain became apparent. The five characters all had different weight, strength, and base speed, but under the complex effects of the gale, they maintained their formation exactly as it was before. It was clear that they had plenty of experience under these conditions and were able to cope with ease.


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