

"Tang Rou's rhythm isn't good..." After careful observation and thought, Li Yibo finally concluded.


"Too rushed. It's a bit out of control," Li Yibo said.

"This... it's not anything too surprising," Pan Lin sighed.

When they talked about Tang Rou, losing control of her rhythm was a point that frequently came up.

For many rookies, the issue was usually because they lacked confidence. They played scared and over cautious, unable to bring out their full potential.

But Tang Rou? She attacked aggressively and fearlessly. Scared? Not at all. No confidence? Also not an issue. Her problems weren't playing scared or playing too careful, but rather playing too aggressive.

Playing too aggressively didn't result in her being unable to bring out her full potential. Instead, it pushed her to try for impossible goals, which led to numerous problems.

"It looks like Tang Rou doesn't have a good solution to this problem!" Pan Lin sighed.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
