
New Soldier Lin Jingyan

News of Lin Jingyan joining Team Tyranny didn't explode like when Xiao Shiqin joined Team Excellent Era, but it still received widespread attention. After all, he was also an All Star player. Despite not doing well recently, his departure from the scene would still be newsworthy. What's more, Lin Jingyan's transfer could hardly be considered a departure from the pro scene. Han Wenqin's powerful and resonating statement at the press conference ignited the originally moderate amount of attention.

After the press conference, all sorts of discussions began to flood out. Just like before, some didn't think very highly of the transfer. Some felt like Team Tyranny must have some sort of plan in mind. Others surmised how the addition of Lin Jingyan would change Team Tyranny. After all, Team Tyranny didn't have a Brawler until now. A change in classes meant a change in tactics.


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