This time, the DPSers were prepared. As soon as the four stone statues slammed into the walls and started swaying back and forth, the DPSers attacked.
They didn't need to worry about dealing too much damage and shifting the aggro off the tanks. The purpose of the strategy being employed wasn't to control their aggro, but rather the field. By chaining their attacks appropriately, the targets would be unable to fight back. Under this type of situation, who cared about aggro? It wasn't important at all.
After a Just Heroic Leap, Unrivaled Super Hottie pulled a stone statue out. Behind him, Seven Blossom Leaves and the other Knights had their Knight's Spirit coming off cooldown soon. The tanks lined up, ready to use a Heroic Charge and Just Heroic Leap. The timing wasn't difficult to grasp. They simply needed to attack when their Knight's Spirit came off cooldown.
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