
Xiaoqiang Productions

編集者: GravityTales

Curses filled the air. Quite a few audience members stood up and kicked away their chairs, just like the ending of a movie in the cinemas. In their agitated state, there was no order when the audience left the place. Individuals at the front of the crowd were cursed at whenever they slowed down. The chaos didn't subside even after a long time. Most of them went across the street, throwing bricks, vandalizing the walls, but how could Excellent Era's guards have the courage to stop them?

They watched or at least saw the results of the match. The moment the saw that Excellent Era had lost again, they knew it would be a disaster. At that moment, the only thing they could do was shut the main entrance. The best they could do was to stop the crowd from entering their headquarters and wrecking it from within.


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