
Owner Bu, You are Deceiving an Underage Girl

編集者: Vermillion

Xiao Xiaolong looked at Bu Fang with teary eyes and made a gurgling sound that sounded similar to a flood breaching through the dike. Moreover, every time he blinked, his tears would flow faster, and he spoke amidst his intense trembling:

"Didn't you promise me a delicious dish? 

"Didn't you promise me an invigorating, pleasing, and intoxicatingly delicious dish?

"What the hell was that thing?

"Owner Bu, you weren't like this before. All the dishes you made in the past were fragrant and intoxicating.

"You are certainly not the real Owner Bu."

Xiao Xiaolong's white complexion quickly turned thoroughly red, and he felt his body heat up to a fiery degree. His sight became blurry.

That wasn't going right.

Xiao Xiaolong suddenly pinched his own thigh fiercely, and his entire body trembled from the pain. He raised his hand, feeling aggrieved, and looked at the bowl of Rampage Ramen on it in terror.
