
I Prefer To Keep A Low Profile

“Something doesn’t feel like quite right,” Stellar Union Silver Radiant said, while healing Moonlight.

“Yeah, it really does,” Lucky Southern Persian nodded in agreement as he continued to cast his skill. The Cone of Cold revealed a Thief who was trying to perform a sneak attack on Stellar Union Silver Radiant.

“I refuse to believe that Wild and the others don’t see it.” Stellar Union Silver Radiant casted Shadow Word on the Thief before returning to healing so he couldn’t go back into Stealth.

“Even if they do know, what can they do? We can’t start so strongly and then retreat. That would look bad for us,” Moonlight said as he charged over and stunned the Thief. With a few attacks, the Thief was quickly taken down.

“Dammit, look at those Blood Red players,” Stellar Union Silver Radiant scolded.

At this time, Swirling Left Eye angrily asked in the chatroom, “Why didn’t you support me Jade Flower Lover? Didn’t you said you would support me?”
