
The staff

編集者: Jacky

Talking about what King Neptune wanted Wu Dengfeng to forge, this heavy eye-browed forging master let out a deep breath. He glanced at the surroundings. Clearly his apprentices had left him in disappointed. As of this moment, only Han was still on his side, even though they just met not long ago.

Thinking for a moment, Wu Dengfeng decided to tell Han the truth.

“What King Neptune wants is a staff” Wu Dengfeng whispers.

“Staff?” Han replied shocked.

Wu Dengfeng nodded his head slightly, “To be more precise, it is a weapon in the form of a staff that enhances cognitive abilities. King Neptune has acquired a black crystal from somewhere and it is in the shape of a human’s brain, containing complicated dark energy.”

“King Neptune discovered that if he can merge with this crystal, it will produce an enormous energy field, drastically increasing his illusion abilities.”
