

Days passed and in a blink of an eye, it was Friday. Dortmund under-19 had just finished their training for the week. They have a Sunday afternoon game against German opposition: VfB Stuttgart. Today however, today was an off day. The players could do whatever they wanted.

Riley and Jaco were in the living room playing video games. Mary was busy on her phone watching videos on Tik Tok. The day was very normal but grandpa Nux urged Jaco to take Riley around the neighbourhood to familiarise himself with the place. Jaco agreed and he and Riley left to take a stroll around the neighbourhood. They came to a local park where kids about Jaco's age were playing football. Jaco and Riley having all the time in the world sat there and watched the game when one of the kids approached them.

"Hey you, you want to play with us? We are short one person." Jaco was stunned for a second because this kid was talking to him. He looked hesitant, not knowing whether to agree or not. Riley seeing this, took the initiative to answer for him. "Yes, he would love to play." Jaco silently protested but eventually he gave in and went to play. Riley was flabbergasted at this guy's actions because he tried to emulate him. Every movement Riley usually does during a game, Jaco was copying. 'Yo! This kid is biting my flow.' Riley complained internally. Jaco was played a striker in this kids game but he moved like a midfielder which prompted the other adults watching to think his position is a false-9.

As Jaco was having fun and Riley having fun watching him a tall woman approached Riley. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" The woman asked in English which Riley found weird but ultimately thought maybe she didn't know german and she was a foreigner like him or she is german but knows that Riley is not. Riley agreed for her to sit and she wasted no time. "My name is Samantha Van Wyk. Im from the Netherlands. I know of you Riley Santos, the Portuguese wonder kid." Riley gave her a look but didn't say much. Sam smiled at him and continued,

"Im a football agent, Riley. I have been looking for young talent to sign as my clients and I've identified you. I have researched and found out you don't have any representation. You are a star on the rise and you will eventually need an agent… well here I am, offering myself." Sam said with a hit of nervousness in her voice. Riley's eyes brightened, 'An agent. Grandpa Nux just said I might have to look for an agent soon. Is this fate?" Riley pondered.

"Looking for young talent? May I know who else you've identified as a potential client Ms Van Wyk? Or the young talent under your care?" Riley asked and Sam got embarrassed. Truth is Sam has no clients, she just started out this agent venture. Riley could guess why she would react like that. "Ms Van Wyk, right now I have no need for an agent. Tell you what however, leave me your contact information and if ever I need to sign anything that requires me to have an agent I shall reach out." Riley calmly said as he stood up. Jaco's game had come to an end.

Sam stood up as well, "Than I shall give you my contact information. To be honest with you Riley. If you sign with me, you will be my first client." Sam said as she took out her business card. Riley took it and flashed her a smile which she was a little taken aback by. Riley bade farewell to her and he and Jaco left. Sam staring at their retreating figures.
