
Chapter 9: Devour—Steel Membrane Armor

After eating and resting, Lin Moze and Kitagawa Marin set short-term goals for the next few days—finding a safe location with ample food and water.

Lin Moze used the still-functioning internet to download an offline map and marked a supermarket nearby.

However, since it was already late, they decided to stay overnight on the rooftop and head out the next morning.

The night would also give Lin Moze time to hunt more Kabane for points—and to test a new ability.

Night fell, but the city remained chaotic.

Fires burned in the distance, Kabane wandered the streets, and unknown creatures roared in the shadows.

Occasionally, black shapes flickered across the sky.

Watching this scene, Lin Moze felt relieved about his decision to wait until morning.

Even with his enhanced abilities, traveling at night—especially while carrying Marin—was too risky.

There were clearly other agile monsters out there—and flying ones too.

Until his powers fully matured, keeping a low profile was the smart choice.

By midnight, Lin Moze had nearly cleared the school of Kabane, and his Redemption Points had surpassed 5000.

He also discovered a few survivors hiding in classrooms.

But he didn't approach them.

In fact, he deliberately left a few Kabane near the stairs to the rooftop to deter them from stumbling upon their hiding spot.

He didn't bother making excuses.

Simply put, he had no interest in protecting ordinary people.

His Transdimensional Awareness confirmed none of the survivors were Saviors, so they were useless to him.

Maybe in the future, once he became stronger, he'd consider gathering followers—but not now.

He glanced at Kitagawa Marin, who was already asleep on a makeshift bed he'd prepared with a mattress and blankets from the nurse's office.

After ensuring she was sound asleep, Lin Moze silently leapt off the rooftop and landed in a dark corner of the schoolyard.

He dragged a Kabane corpse he'd deliberately saved earlier.

This Kabane was taller and stronger than the others, wearing a blue tracksuit.

It was probably the school's P.E. teacher before turning into a monster.

Lin Moze wasted no time.

He took a deep breath, then drove his fingers into the Kabane's flesh.

Black-and-red tendrils erupted from his arm, piercing into the Kabane and wrapping around its body.

Squelching flesh and shattering bones echoed as the Blacklight Virus broke down the monster's tissues, assimilating them into its own structure.

The Kabane was completely devoured in seconds.

The absorbed biomass replenished Lin Moze's stamina and provided him with new data.

His mind buzzed with insights from the virus.

Although the Kabane's genetic material was underwhelming, it yielded one useful trait

Steel Membrane Armor.

This armor-like membrane, originally found around the Kabane's heart, was tough enough to resist blades and sharp weapons—though not bullets or explosives.

"Not bad."

While Lin Moze already had regenerative abilities from the Blacklight Virus, healing wounds consumed biological energy.

Even in the games, Alex Mercer had a limited health pool that could be depleted in intense fights.

This new defensive layer could reduce damage and save energy—potentially life-saving in prolonged battles.

Lin Moze closed his eyes, focusing on the blueprints the virus provided.

Unlike the Kabane's limited armor, he aimed to create a full-body exoskeleton.

Glowing orange patterns began forming across his skin, spreading from his heart to his torso and limbs.

He adjusted the armor's flexibility, reinforcing joints to maintain agility.

When the transformation was complete, Lin Moze's entire body was covered in orange-yellow plating that resembled organic armor.

He looked like a heavily-armored Kamen Rider—or, in simpler terms, a living tank.

"Seriously? I unlocked armor before getting any offensive weapons?"

Checking his reflection in a glass shard, Lin Moze couldn't help but complain.

Compared to the game version, where the armor could withstand gunfire, his current version was more suited for medieval weapons.

"Whatever. It's only Day One—I've got time to grow stronger."

With that, Lin Moze dismissed the armor and prepared to head back.

But then—

His ears twitched.

In the distance, faint footsteps echoed.

Intrigued, he scaled the wall and moved toward the sound.
