Sunny found himself in a familiar place. It was an endless black void illuminated by a myriad of stars. Between those stars, countless strings of silver light were woven into a beautiful and inconceivably complex net, forming various nexuses and constellations. It was truly breathtaking.
'Come to think of it, how can anyone see the strings of fate in the first place? I do not hold the lineage of Weaver anymore… Although, I am apparently favored by fate, so I wouldn't be surprised…'
His little brainstorming session came to an end soon, because the Spell finally spoke out.
[You have received a Memory: Puppeteer's Shroud]
'Great! I've missed you, old friend!'
A moment after that, the Spell spoke once more.
[Aspirant! Your trial is over.]
[A divine shadow, bound not only by light but also fate, was attacked by the loathsome Vile Thieving Bird, and took damage in the process. The strings of fate surrounding the treacherous shadow were torn apart and so, to make sure they restore themselves properly, fate ejected the shadow to the point where it all began—to create a new foundation to build upon. And so, a nameless slave, favored by fate, ascended the Black Mountain. Both heroes and monsters fell by his hand. Blazing with boundless resolve, he entered the ruined temple of a long-forgotten god and spilled his blood on the sacred altar. The gods were dead, and yet they listened.]
[You have defeated a Dormant Beast: Mountain King's Larva.]
[You have defeated three Dormant Humans, names unknown.]
[You have defeated an Awakened Human: Auro of the Nine.]
[You have defeated an Awakened Tyrant: Mountain King.]
[You have received the Nightmare Spell's blessing.]
[You have received the Shadow God's blessing.]
[You have received Fate's blessing.]
[You have achieved the impossible!]
[Final appraisal: unimaginable. Faced with unthinkable horror and agony, your resolve blazed immensely and your treachery knew no bounds.]
'T-that's pure insanity! What do you mean 'Fate's blessing' and why the hell is the Spell itself blessing me?!'
[Dreamer Sunless, receive your boon!]
[You have been bestowed a True Name: Lost from Light.]
[One of your Attributes has evolved.]
'E-evolved already? Which one?'
His true name remained the same. He wasn't surprised by this fact. He was still Lost from Light, that was his identity, the name that kept him sane during all his experiences, during the Dream Curse that his black steed cast on him during his Second Nightmare, during his transformations using Shadow Dance. It was the proof of his existence. In fact, it would have been strange if it actually changed, since that would mean that he himself was now practically someone else.
[Your Aspect is ready to evolve. Evolve Aspect?]
'The moment of truth...'
Sunny crossed his fingers, hoping desperately for a different outcome this time.
[Dormant Aspect Fateful Slave is evolving...]
[New Aspect required.]
[Aspect Rank: Divine.]
'Please... gods... daemons, Spell, fate... whoever, just don't make me into a slave again!'
[Aspect Name: Lightless Shadow]
Sunny stood there, eyes widened, completely taken by the revelation. He spent so many years of his life agonizing over the fact that he would never be free. Always enslaved by something or someone, it didn't matter if it was Nephis, the woman he loved, or fate itself. He just wanted to be free of it all.
And now...
Aspect: [Lightless Shadow].
Aspect Rank: Divine.
Aspect Description: [You are a miraculous shadow, one whose existence shouldn't be possible. As a divine shadow, you possess plenty of strange and wondrous powers. Normally, it would be improper for a shadow, let alone a divine one, to walk around without a master. But what kind of an existence could ever enslave a shadow that managed to break out of the chains cast by light and fate itself?]
Innate Ability: [Shadow Projection].
Ability Description: [As a shadow free of the burden of having to follow and be cast by light, you are now the conduit that may cast shadows instead.]
Sunny was baffled completely. He was overjoyed because he was free, but still perplexed by this new Aspect.
'What does it mean that I am now the conduit that casts shadows? Is it perhaps something like how the Shadow Lantern functions? A gate that can swallow and throw out shadows as it pleases?'
He had a lot to digest...
Everything that happened so far, everything that had led up to this point... It... It was worth it. He can finally be free of this intense feeling that filled his mind, he can finally not be scared of being taken advantage of, he can finally stand at the summit, not being a mere follower or slave. He can... be an equal to Her...
'I'll work hard to protect this freedom, I will never be taken advantage of again. This is my own will, who dares stop me?'
He was brimming with the resolve to protect this peace of mind, it was his conviction even...
To stay free. Forever.
Sunny's train of thought was cut short by another interference from the Spell.
[The First Seal is broken.]
[Awakening dormant powers...]
He felt the feeling of something waking up inside of him, the feeling was still rather insane in his opinion. Energy filled every fiber of his being. His mind got clearer and sharper, his body began to change too. It was as though a small star started radiating in the center of his chest, the feeling was warm and revitalizing, slowly reaching every corner of his body. All his bones, organs, blood vessels were being rebuilt into something far greater. He was becoming stronger, faster, healthier.
It was like he was reborn.
It was euphoric.
With each passing second, his transformation was becoming more profound. With his powers awakening and his will unbroken, he gained more confidence in himself than before.
After some time had passed, the star—his first core that burned in his chest finally cooled down. The heat was replaced with a soothing coldness. That coldness washed over Sunny's previously unawakened self, taking away all of the aches and discomforts accumulated there over the years. Then it moved up, reaching his brain and finally, his eyes.
His vision doubled.
He saw a void populated by an endless pattern of stars. But he could also see something different.
A silent, calm dark sea illuminated by a lonely black sun. Before, it seemed to be transparent, devoid of light, but now it was different from before, he couldn't quite explain the sight, it was like an entirely new law of physics, something unexplainable... There was no light whatsoever radiating from within it, just like before, but it was something else. Nonetheless, Sunny knew that was one of his cores.
Sunny's Soul Sea was dark and now lightless, it felt different... And that something that made it different was able to cast shadows, just like light. There was a familiar feeling to it however, it seemed to remind him of his very own presence...
Is that what it means to be a lightless shadow? To be the existence that's responsible for existing on its own, without the necessity to use any other known power, force, or law?
It's as if it just willed itself into existence.
How peculiar and utterly confusing...
He gazed upon his core and spotted the two spheres of light orbiting around it. They were the Memories he gained, it seemed contradictory that his core and soul were supposedly lightless, yet there was a pair of spheres made of light circling around it, but they weren't a part of the bizarre core and the whole sensation was unexplainable anyway...
[Awakening Aspect Ability...]
[Aspect Ability acquired.]
[Aspect Ability Name: Shadow Control.]
Sunny summoned his runes upon hearing this. He wanted to see if the description changed in any way.
Name: Sunless.
True Name: Lost from Light.
Rank: Dreamer.
Shadow Core: Dormant.
Shadow Fragments: [24/1000].
'24? T–that's…'
He was surprised and overjoyed with this revelation, it seemed that things are going to get easier from now on. If he can gain double the fragments moving forward, and with his past experience... Frankly, he would be terrified of himself, if he was his opponent.
'Haha! Seems I am getting more awesome by the minute!'
Memories: [Silver Bell], [Puppeteer's Shroud].
Echoes: -
Attributes: [Fated], [Spark of Divinity], [Child of Shadows]
Looking at his attributes, Sunny noticed something. Fated was no longer greyed out and it seems that the description changed a bit...
[Fated] Attribute Description: "The strings of fate wrap tightly around you. Unlikely events, both good and bad, are drawn by your presence. There are those who are blessed, and there are those who are cursed… but rarely both. However, due to the blessing given to you by Fate, you are now able to choose if you wish to evade some of these unlikely events or not."
Sunny had a completely puzzled expression on his face. What does it even mean that he is able to choose to evade them, how is he even supposed to do that in the first place? And which events did it mean, when it said "some of these"?
'Doesn't this mean that I have some sort of influence over fate itself, now that I am able to evade the events it sends my way?'
The thought was extremely scary—after all, fate was like an absolute law itself. Weaver, The Demon of Fate, was unable to change it. Not even Dream God himself had full authority over it, yet Sunny was now able to choose to evade its grasp.
'I did guess that the Spell was trying to change fate before, and if Weaver had to create something so extraordinarily unprecedented to even attempt that, just how ridiculous is this Attribute of mine? Is this what it means to receive Fate's Blessing?'
He decided to stop thinking about it, since it won't do him any good to scare and baffle himself even more and went on to check the Aspect Ability.
Aspect Abilities: [Shadow Control].
Aspect Ability Description: [Your shadow is more independent than most. It is an invaluable helper.]
'Well, there had to be something that didn't change, I guess...'
Suddenly, the Spell's voice resounded in the black void once again.
[All power has a price.]
[You have received a Flaw.]
[Your Flaw is: Clear Conscience.]
Flaw: [Clear Conscience].
Flaw Description: [You cannot lie.]
Sunny sighed, but wasn't mad at the fact at all. He had already learned to live with it after all, and now that his greatest vulnerability is gone, it doesn't even seem that bad. In fact, he was really surprised. He thought it would definitely change, since his Aspect did almost entirely. Wasn't that the point of the Flaw? Because he had a vulnerability in the form of Shadow Bond, if he was ever asked about it, he had to tell the truth and couldn't hide it. Though, it seemed that the Spell and Shadow God somehow considered Shadow Bond a great boon instead, even if it enslaved him.
It's true that thanks to the bond, he was able to augment his master and be augmented by them too as well and also be able to take them into Shadow Step. And most importantly, see their runes—but that was all. Were there perhaps some much greater benefits awaiting him once he transcended or became an even more powerful being?
Not that he will ever know anyway, since it's all gone...
And with that, the Spell interrupted Sunny for the last time today.
[Wake up, Lost from Light!]
The black void spun and disappeared.
boom, boom, revelation after revelation
reading it back, it seems i am being very generous and kind to Sunny huh? well i don't care, i am the author and my boy deserves the best after all the bs he went through, and who knows if the flaw and other stuff won't bite him back anyway...
anyways, i am done for today lol
also speaking of revelations, webtoon adaptation? seriously? i had to pause myself from writing to process that info lmao, truely a christmas miracle