
The Ashina School Remains Undefeated!

A full moon silently rises, hanging on the celestial canopy above, casting vast silver light across the boundless skies, indifferent to the surface of Lake Liurnia below...

Yet that same moon shines upon the golden canopy of the great Erdtree in the distance, its faint golden glow competing with the silver moonlight to illuminate the peculiar nighttime scenery of The Lands Between.


A small boat now floats on the lake, without a torch to light its way or the use of magic for illumination. Instead, it gropes forward cautiously in the strange darkness.

Looking to the right, one can see a military camp. Braziers dispel the moonlight, lighting the area as if it were daytime. Wooden palisades surround the camp, with tall watchtowers where soldiers clad in dark blue Cuckoo uniforms scan the lake below.

Fortunately, the small boat keeps close to the lakeshore, slipping past the steep hillsides just outside the soldiers' field of vision.

Kaelith glances to the left, observing not only the numerous islands scattered across the lake but also a massive "city" built atop an island at the center of Lake Liurnia. Towering structures rise with the slopes of the mountain, and a bell tower at its peak stands hundreds of meters high.

This is none other than the Academy of Raya Lucaria, also known as the Carian Royal Raya Lucaria Academy. Since being conquered by Rennala, the "Queen of the Full Moon," it has belonged to the Carian royal family.

But now the Queen has been imprisoned, and both factions have gone their separate ways, culminating in a war that has swept across all of Liurnia.

A power struggle among subordinates? Kaelith knows it all too well. He merely watches as the boat rocks gently and falls into deep thought.

"This doesn't match my memory. The Lake Liurnia I remember didn't require a boat—you could just ride a horse across."

The Lands Between lacks a discernible passage of time, which is frustrating. There's no clear way to gauge how far the current events are from the fate of the Tarnished. One can only rely on the natural scenery to estimate that it's likely still far off.

Because of these temporal discrepancies, many events and people can't be judged by experience alone—only by trusting what one sees with their own eyes.

So Kaelith stops pondering and, taking advantage of the crew's quiet focus, begins assessing the tools at his disposal.

"This body's physical condition is decent. As expected of a world rich with divine and magical power, even a sorcerer's abilities aren't bad."

He flexes his fingers on the straight sword, tightening and loosening his grip as if activating every muscle in his body, mentally simulating countless assassination techniques.

As long as the body's physical fitness reaches a certain level, technique can compensate for some shortcomings. This straight sword, when piercing flesh, can still claim lives.

Of course, beyond swordsmanship, this sorcerer's apprentice body also possesses some magical skills.

"Academy-based magic: Glintstone Pebble. And later, from the royal side, I learned Carian Slicer? Hmm, mediocre as it may be, this individual's talent isn't bad—at least Intelligence exceeds 9."

Summing up briefly, Kaelith Light is indeed a decently talented magic apprentice—insignificant cannon fodder in a war, but with Kaelith himself, things are different.

"I don't hesitate when cutting someone down."

Kaelith smiles confidently, recalling the words of Sword Saint Isshin Ashina. Flashing his bright white teeth, he feels that everything remains within his control. He's even a bit excited to test the sharpness of his blade.

"Attention! We're breaching the blockade."

A low voice comes from the boat's bow as Blaidd rises slightly. His fur-lined coat flutters in the night wind.

The group aboard the boat collectively exhales in relief. Apart from Kaelith, there are several soldiers—two armed with sword and shield, one with a spear, and another with a short bow. They appear well-trained.

"Lord Blaidd, what are we investigating this time?" asks one of the sword-and-shield soldiers.

"We'll circle around and intercept the Cuckoo's supply convoy," Blaidd replies gruffly, glancing back. "Why, are you scared?"

Kaelith hears the nervous gulp of the soldier. Studying the map, it's clear that the terrain around Lake Liurnia isn't particularly vast.

A little over ten miles away lies a high cliff with a bell tower atop it, providing a vantage point that overlooks the surroundings. It's the highest point on the western shore.

The risk is significant; any commotion here will quickly draw the Cuckoo cavalry to reinforce.

"Not scared. With Lord Blaidd here, there's nowhere in Liurnia we can't go!"

"Exactly! If we wipe out the supply convoy, maybe those damned Cuckoo forces will retreat."

For a moment, morale surges. Fists clench, and Blaidd nods approvingly. Were it not for the difficulty of breaching the blockade, he would've long suggested a direct raid to the princess. Unfortunately, the disparity in numbers forces them to resort to guerilla tactics.

Even if the advisor Iji disapproves, Blaidd feels it's worth trying.

With this in mind, he glances at the sorcerer's apprentice at the stern, who is silently gazing at the lake. Blaidd snorts lightly and turns away.

This Kaelith Light, always scheming and sly, might be a spy if he doesn't earn his keep in battle this time.

The group falls silent. In the faint splashes of the oars, the boat moves south along the lakeshore. Around midnight, they finally reach a shallower area. Blaidd leaps ashore, directing the group to hide the boat among the reeds before pulling out a telescope to survey the area.

In the distance, the braziers atop the Four Belfries burn brightly. That's a Cuckoo checkpoint, and any battle here would be impossible to conceal. Beneath the cliffs near the bell tower, a slow-moving supply convoy comes into view.

At the front are two chained Trolls, nearly ten meters tall. They drag heavy wagons, with soldiers bearing torches marching behind them—a small team of about twenty men. Leading the way is a Cuckoo Knight, wielding a lance and riding a warhorse.

"Defensive strength is average, but we must act quickly," Blaidd decides instantly. "I'll take care of the knight. Vira, Duke, prepare flaming oil and torches."


"Carine, suppress them with your bow. Don't let them form up. Laila, once the fire is lit, sever the Trolls' chains. These mindless giants will buy us some time in the chaos. We'll retreat then."


As expected of the Moon Princess's bodyguard, Blaidd's orders reflect his vast experience in battle. The Carian soldiers, too, are highly disciplined, quickly preparing for the ambush.

Round firepots are set down, quivers are opened, and arrows with crimson feathers are nocked. Amid the grim tension, a voice speaks up.

"Lord Blaidd, what about me?" Kaelith raises a hand to ask.

"You?" The Wolf glanced at him, intending to test his stance, then waved dismissively. "Just don't get in the way. Do whatever you want."

"Alright." Kaelith wasted no words, gripping a Glintstone in his left hand while his right held the hilt of his sword. He pressed himself flat against the ground, suppressing his breath.

Seeing this apprentice not panicking but rather appearing professional, Blaidd was momentarily surprised. However, with the sound of wheels growing nearer, he didn't overthink it and focused his gaze on the narrow pathway ahead.

The sound of the wheels creaked louder and louder, accompanied by the voices of Cuckoo soldiers casually chatting. They were discussing which village to plunder today, their low, sinister laughter echoing in the night. At the bend in the road, the dark sky suddenly carried the sound of something tearing through the air, followed by the shattering of an object.

Bang! Bang!

With two loud explosions, the troll pulling the cart stepped on the slick oil and slipped. Its rear dug two shallow pits into the ground. Amid the snapping of chains, the heavily loaded cart toppled over, spilling white grain all over the ground.

"Now! Attack!!"

Blaidd leaped forward, charging ahead. Each of his strides covered several meters as he closed the distance to a mounted knight and drew the colossal sword from his back.


Icy white frost enveloped his sword. Blaidd jumped and landed directly in front of the warhorse, driving the royal greatsword into the ground.

Wolf Fang Strike!

The earth exploded, spraying frost that upended both the knight and his horse. Even the heavy armor froze over with a thin layer of ice.

"Half-Wolf Blaidd?!" the knight exclaimed in shock, raising a massive shield to block above his head. Relying on instinct, he thrust his spear forward.


Blaidd sidestepped effortlessly, avoiding the spear as it grazed his cheek. Despite the knight's martial prowess, he couldn't withstand more than three moves against Blaidd, Ranni's "shadow." Blaidd twisted his wrist, swinging the colossal sword in an unexpected arc.


A Cuckoo Glintstone shattered under his strike, the icy air cutting through the enemy's cloak and revealing ornate armor beneath.

"Two Cuckoo Knights?" Blaidd's face remained expressionless as he gripped his greatsword tightly.

"Carian scum defending a lone city resorting to such despicable tactics. Do you think we didn't anticipate this?" the knight sneered, discarding his cloak and raising a greatsword for a strike.

"We know your strength. Let's see if you can slaughter a hundred soldiers all by yourself!"

As Blaidd charged forward, a five-man squad rose simultaneously. Arrows were loosed with precision, striking two soldiers in the forehead. A warrior carrying fire pots advanced, setting fire to the spilled grain.

The plan was progressing smoothly, and it seemed time to leave. However, Kaelith felt something was off. The enemies weren't panicking or scattering chaotically. Instead, they were mounting a counterattack. Glancing toward the frost-covered area, he immediately understood.

"We've been exposed?"

Three Cuckoo Knights were encircling Blaidd. Though he remained fierce and held the upper hand, the blaring horns from the Four Belfries signaled reinforcements from the enemy's mountain camp.

Though today's attack wasn't anticipated, the Cuckoo had always been prepared. Backup arrived swiftly.

"That's why I hate smart enemies," Kaelith muttered, raising an eyebrow as he quickly analyzed the situation.

These enemies were determined to kill Blaidd, focusing all their efforts on blocking him. Could they escape?

If he were a mere magic apprentice, escape would be the only option. But as a sword-wielding sorcerer? No need to hesitate—break through their encirclement and fight back!

"Cover me."

Kaelith uttered the command and charged forward with his staff in hand, leaving behind bewildered archers. His earlier orders had been clear: if a magic apprentice tries to flee, shoot them on the spot. But this sorcerer wasn't fleeing—he was advancing straight into the fray.

The night wind roared past Kaelith's ears as he sprinted. He had no time to familiarize himself with sorcery combat techniques, relying instead on tried-and-true methods.

Clack, clack, clack…

His nimble footsteps moved through the mud. Kaelith approached the soldiers, most of whom were focused on surrounding two swordsmen. A few were distracted by broken chains. Two soldiers at the outskirts turned at the sound of footsteps and froze.

A man in magic robes was charging at them, raising a short staff in his hand. It looked like suicide. As they instinctively thrust their spears, the sorcerer suddenly dropped low.

Kaelith slid forward, feeling the cold wind from the spear graze his hair. Dust kicked up around him as he slipped between the two soldiers. Planting his staff into the ground, he used it to stop himself and gripped the hilt of his sword.


With a metallic hiss, his straight sword unsheathed. The soldier on his right felt a sharp pain in his calf, losing balance and collapsing to the ground. Before he could process what happened, a staff was pressed against his face, the Glintstone at its tip glowing blue.

Glintstone Pebble!

Light illuminated the surroundings as a fist-sized blue orb smashed into the soldier's face, exploding his head like a watermelon. The nearby soldier froze, staring wide-eyed.

Who casts spells point-blank like that?!

But there was no time to think. Kaelith leaped up, his straight sword piercing through the fallen soldier's chin, slicing upward with a twist. The blade split the helmet and severed the head cleanly in half. The corpse wobbled before collapsing heavily to the ground.

What was that?

After killing the two soldiers, Kaelith stood still for a moment, feeling a surge of power coursing through him. Perhaps it was an illusion, but he felt slightly stronger.

There was no time to dwell on it. On the battlefield, he flicked the blood off his sword with a practiced motion and turned his icy blue eyes toward the next soldier.

As the fight continued, Kaelith realized:

Swordsmanship combined with sorcery is still swordsmanship. The Ashina school remains undefeated!
