
Chapter 19: A Unsuspecting Visit!

{Amane's POV}

"Ughhhhhhh!" Stretching my body, I fully woke up after the long night.

Where's Sawako?

I looked over to my left, but she wasn't there. Plus, there was a rather nasty smell in the room. It didn't take me long to figure out the cause, it was obvious! I got out of bed and started walking out of the room when my question was answered.


She was cooking in my kitchen completely naked. The sight filled me with lustful urges, but I calmed them down. I was naked myself, but I didn't have any energy left to continue such acts.

I tiptoed behind her, waiting for her to finish putting an omelet on one of the plates she had out. She put everything down and even let out a cute, smug expression. That's when I struck!

"Gya?!" I enveloped her body with my embrace!

"Phew. You scared me, love!"

Eh? L-Love? Oh y-yeah, that would make sense. Hehe, that's wonderful to hear!

"Sorry, I saw the opportunity in front of me. I mean, some beautiful friends even greeted me to take action."


"P-Please don't tell me you still want to go at it? I'm really sore..." Her face turned red, but she continued putting together our breakfast, albeit slowly. I should let her finish. I'll grab us some clothes.


Kissing her on the cheek, I let her go and started heading back to the room. "Don't worry, you took everything from me. I have nothing to spare, hahaha!"

Hearing my words, she shot me a cute glare with a red face, making it all the better.

"Shouldn't I be the one to say that to you? I don't think I'll ever be the same!"

"Good!" I sent her a playful wink before letting her finish up. Back in my rather plain room, I opened some drawers which I hadn't opened before and started searching. I finally found a good set of clothes for the both us after a few minutes which also made me realize that I needed a whole wardrobe change and list! I found clothes that still had the tags on them. 

I walked back into the kitchen-living room area with my lovely Sawako putting down the last plate for our breakfast.

"Here you go love." The clothes I did find were two black T-shirts and two pairs of plain black shorts. Putting the last plate on the table, she turned around and grabbed the clothes, getting dressed right in front of me! 

I obviously admired the view and she didn't shy away from my gaze either.

For someone who doesn't want to go at it again, she sure loves to get me riled up. 

We both sat down and ate breakfast which made me feel like I was eating my wife's cooking. It was delicious and sure a simple breakfast of toast, bacon, and eggs wasn't anything too go to crazy over. But, when it's made by someone you have feelings for, it makes the taste soar!

"I'm going to go shower, you want to join?" She didn't even flinch when she asked this. I playfully looked at her but in the end...

"Nah, If I go in there with you, we'll be in there for way longer then necessary." 

"Y-Yeah that wouldn't be good now that I think about it. Now that I think about it, you need to shower before me!"

"I mean I can but ladies first." 

"Nope! You didn't shower last night before or after so you need to go or I'll force you in there." 

I raised my hands up in surrender, "You don't have to threaten me with a shower...I'm not some disgusting pig!" 

"Hmph, go! I'll handle the clean up." 

"Yes mam~!" 

This might be the best morning I've ever had! Wait...what time is it anyway? Ah fuck it, I'll look after.




{Sawako's POV}

I'm glad he didn't agree to shower with me... I said I was sore, but jeez, I really want him inside me again! Mom did say this would happen, though, if we were left alone. Please, I pray Mom didn't tell Dad about any of yesterday!

My thoughts were becoming increasingly dirty the more time I spent with him. Before, I never thought about stuff like this, but he just continues to bring out this side of me! I definitely need to reel it in because I don't want him to think I'm some sort of slut. If he can control himself, so can I!

I picked up the last few plates, dusting off any crumbs into the garbage before turning on the sink. I let the water warm up and started to relax my mind a little.

Swhhh~ Swhhh~

"Hmm~ Hmm~"

I hummed a little tune, and in no time, I finished with the dishes clean-up. I still needed to wipe the table, though.

Ding~ Dong~

A guest? Oh! It could be Itsuki-san, right?

I walked to the door, opening it without even thinking. A woman with a mature figure but an impish smile greeted me. The woman tilted her head, her lips curling into a smirk as she scanned me from head to toe. There was a spark in her eyes that made my stomach tighten.

"Hello, miss?" I asked. I felt weird because this woman seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

She opened her mouth slightly as if to say something but paused, her eyes peering into me while her smirk widened.

"I didn't think my Amane had the balls," she finally said, her tone both playful and teasing.

Eh? Her Amane?

"Oh~! Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Fujimiya Shihoko, but feel free to call me Mom! I can tell that would be way more fitting."




My brain short-circuited. I had no idea what to do in this situation!

Thud~ Thud~

I heard footsteps approaching me. Turning around, it was obviously Amane, but he was just wearing a towel wrapped around his lower half. His forming six-pack was on full display, and while it was very sexy, this was definitely not the time to notice!

He looked past me and didn't even flinch.

"Hey, Mom!"

"Hey, Sweetie. Surely I can come into my apartment by now, right?"

"Of course, I don't know why you didn't just walk in."

"The cute lady right here was stunned by my beauty, so she forgot to."

"Hahaha! Yeah, yeah. I'll go get dressed, and I hope you don't mind Sawako being dressed like this."

"No! It's fine; I can figure out why. I'm just a little surprised to see you had the balls."

Listening to them talk, a certain feeling came back to me. "He is pretty massive down there..." I blurted out without realizing.

"Oh yeah? You hear that, Amane!" Shihoko's teasing tone cut through the silence that followed.

Amane placed one of his hands on my head. "S-Sawako, not in front of my mom, okay?"

"PEU?!" I felt my face flush with heat, and I buried it right below his chest. I couldn't face his mom! I felt disgusting for saying that so casually!

"Bwhahaha!" His mom's laughter echoed in my head, making me want to die from embarrassment, but Amane's head-patting made it a bit more bearable. I still felt like I wanted to die, though!
