
First Meetings

This story starts off with a boy named Taylor. Taylor lived in the desolate countryside in an orphanage. He goes to a school not far from the town. And he likes to hang out with his friend Joseph. They met in the orphanage and became fast friends. The two of them were inseparable. They were the family they didn't have.

Joseph was taller than Taylor but Taylor was older and much more mature for his age. He could out talk any adult and didn't really get along with any other kids their age.

With an orphanage as large as there's it was easy to fall through the cracks. They could run around in the woods and hang around the town for at least a few days before anyone noticed anything. So that's what they did. Skipping school wasn't a problem for them as they read plenty of books in their free time. They just didn't like the stuffy classroom and teachers who really couldn't care less. It was better to learn on their own and have fun doing it.

When they wanted pocket change they did odd jobs around town. They didn't usually talk to anyone else as they liked to keep to themselves. But the people around town admired their work ethic despite their age. Taylor was 16 and Joseph was 15. They weren't children but their rough childhoods from before the orphanage put a damper on their growth so they look younger than they are. The two of them could barely pass for fifteen.

Whether in public or private they were often in their own little world. Taylor liked to say it was 'us against the world'. Joseph looked up to Taylor and hoped that they would always look out for each other the way they do now.

The eighth day of May.

Taylor didn't come back to the orphanage. This was normal as he would often sneak off so Joseph didn't think much of it. After a few days of not seeing him Joseph got worried. Even if Taylor had something to do and would be gone a long time he would always tell Joseph in advance. To go this long without seeing each other once wasn't normal. He wasn't sure about telling the adults as Taylor and him didn't really get along with them. His worry took over indecision so he told an advisor.

Advisor: I'm sure he's fine. The two of you are always off somewhere. He'll come back eventually.

Joseph figured this would happen so he found another advisor.

Advisor: I really don't have time for you two. Just wait for him to come back, he always does.

Joseph was upset and growing restless. He didn't know what else to say. After talking to two more advisors he gave up and decided to look on his own. He went to every place they hung out. He then talked to the people who gave them jobs. He searched the town, the forest, the school and the orphanage twice. His brother was gone.

Before Taylor left he said he was going out to deal with something. He was always working on something so Joseph didn't ask. He was now regretting not asking for any details.

He told everyone he could to let him know if they saw Taylor. He'd been missing for three days. And Joseph searched for another two. Eventually he finally got the police involved but everyone concluded it was a simple run away case. The kids at the orphanages run away all the time. Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't.

Cops: That Taylor is smart he probably thought he could handle himself out there and is doing just fine.

Joseph insisted that couldn't be the case as he would never leave him behind. But no one listened. After a week he gave up the adults and started to retrace Taylors steps. He spent day and night looking and while everyone else forgot about Taylor. To them he was just another random kid. Whether he comes back or not means nothing to them. But it was everything to Joseph. His heart felt cold and his chest tightened painfully. He didn't have anything but then there was Taylor. His protector, older brother, and best friend was gone. Now he was alone and he hated the world for ignoring them.

The seventeenth day of May.

Joseph was walking past the forest edge one night when he heard a sound. He looked to the source to find something in the lake. It was dark and hard to see but as he got closer he found it was a person. At first he was startled as he thought someone had drowned. But then the person started to cough and struggled to swim. Seeing them start to actually drown, Joseph quickly recovered and ran in to pull them out. He dragged the person to shore and tried to wake them up.

The moon was bright and not obstructed by the clouds. Now that this person was in front of him he could easily see their face. Joseph was shocked as he recognized this person.

Joseph frantically called out: Taylor? Are you okay? Please wake up, what happened to you?

The person from the lake slowly opened his eyes. He could vaguely hear his name being called but it was slightly off. Coughing a few times he opened his eyes. He looked at the worried expression on the boy in front of him.

Seeing his fright he couldn't help but comfort him: It's alright I'm fine thank you for helping me.

Joseph's expression froze for a moment as he felt something was wrong. The boy caught his breath and sat up.

Meeting Joseph's strange expression the boy asked: what's wrong, are you hurt?

Joseph was quiet for a moment then questioned slowly: You're not Taylor?

The boy gave a confused look and said: No. My name isn't Taylor, it's Tyler. Did you mean to say Tyler? Have we met?

Joseph was dazed. How could someone look so similar and have such a similar name too?

Joseph scrutinized the boy in front of him. Now that he's got a closer look, this person does look slightly different from Taylor. But their faces are so similar it wouldn't be surprising if they were twins.

His hair was longer and the eye color was just slightly off. The differences were so minimal that Joseph's probably the only one in the world who could tell. Aside from his looks, his clothes and the way he carries himself are different.

Speaking of which, what's with his clothes?

As the other looked at him with such a focused expression Tyler couldn't help tense up. His thoughts wandering.

Was there something on his face?

Had they really met before?

Why are his eyebrows so furrowed?

Is he mad?

The longer he was stared at the more his head spun. Joseph finally noticed the awkward expression on the look alike and averted his gaze.

Fixing his expression Joseph broke the silence: Sorry about that, I thought you were someone else. Are you alright? Why were you in the lake?

Tyler regained his senses and thought for a moment.

Tyler: I don't know. I must have fallen in. I'm no good at swimming. But I'm fine now because of you so thank you.

Joseph narrowed his eyes: Where are you from? I would have remembered you if I saw you around. Yet for some reason you're all the way out here in the country side and near the forest no less walking around at midnight. I have to say you're quite suspicious.

Tyler felt like he needed to escape for some reason.

Defending himself, Tyler threw the accusation back: What about yourself? Aren't you just as suspicious walking here at this time?

The two glared at each other for a moment then sighed.

Joseph scoffed: Right so we're both suspicious but I have a place to go back to. Acting all defensive could you be a runaway?

Tyler: In a way yes I'm always someplace new. I don't know where I am right now and I don't have anywhere to go. If you could just tell me where the next town is I would appreciate it.

Joseph gave him a look of doubt: Do you have any money?

Tyler shot him an annoyed glare: I should have enough for the night then I can make more tomorrow.

As he said this he pulled open the bag hanging across his back. They looked inside a money pouch and sure enough he had just enough for one night's rest. From where they were the town was still a thirty minute walk whereas the orphanage was only fifteen minutes.

Joseph thought for a moment and said: there's no need to waste your money on one night's rest. Also, we're soaked and it's midnight. It's better to get warm fast. The town is too far but the orphanage is nearby. You can clean up and rest there then continue on in the morning.

As he spoke he helped the other to their feet and started walking. Tyler noticed the other had already made up their mind and was slightly peeved. After thinking about it, he knew that the other was right and that it was better to follow him. He thought so but he didn't move. Joseph noticed that the other hadn't followed and turned around.

Joseph: why aren't you following you don't agree?

Tyler shook his head and said: I can't walk well and I don't have my cane. It's probably still in the water.


Joseph walked to the lake and looked around. It wasn't so deep that he couldn't find it if he looked but it was too dark to look for it now.

He turned to the other and asked: How bad is it? Can you still walk without it?

Tyler shook his head and said: Without the cane it'll probably take three times as long as I get tired without the support. It really depends on the day.

Joseph: I see. And you almost drowning probably doesn't help much. Since it's already late and the path is ragged it's probably better to just carry you to avoid further injury.

Tyler didn't dislike the idea of being carried as he was really tired. But he was already annoyed by this boy and wanted to get back at him, shooting him a look of distrust.

Meeting his eyes that screamed 'you look weak' Joseph got defensive: oh relax I'm stronger than I look and with how short you are it's really not that difficult.

Tyler scoffed: I didn't even say anything but you're right you don't look all that strong and I'm barely shorter than you so don't overestimate your own strength and hurt yourself.

The two were back to glaring at each other. In the end Joseph carried him on his back. It took them a little longer than expected but it was still better than going all the way into town. Multiple failed attempts at conversing lead them to an unsaid agreement of not getting to know each other. When they made it to the orphanage they snuck up to Joseph's room. Joseph and Taylor snuck in an out all the time so it was easy for him to do.

In this orphanage the older kids get their own rooms and at most have to bunk with two other kids. This meant that they only needed to make it to the room and they didn't have to worry about getting caught.

Joseph always thought he was lucky to have bunked with Taylor. They didn't start out that way but Taylor talked the advisors into a corner and in the end they got to be roommates. In recent days he avoided his room as it only made him feel lonely.

He brought Tyler to a chair and went to the bathroom to start a bath. The last thing he needed was to catch a cold right now. He came back and started pulling out a new set of clothes. He was about to grab some of Taylors clothes since they would fit Tyler better but doing so made him feel wrong somehow so he just grabbed some of his old pajamas.

Looking at Tylers clothes he couldn't help but ask: I noticed this earlier but why are you dressed like that? It seems inconvenient.

Tyler looked down and realized that he was dressed a little strange. At a glance they seemed a little fancy but everything was a little loose. His pants were rolled up, his shirts oversized and his shoes are so plain they almost seem out of place. Not only that but he was very ragged and his clothes were dirty. At first Joseph thought it was from the lake but it seemed more like he was in a fight recently.

Tyler answered truthfully: It is different from what I'm used to but I was in a rush at the time and couldn't help what I looked like. Then I never found the time or money to get proper fitting ones.

Joseph: I see. It can get rough out there on your own.

Joseph lamented imagining Taylor going through similar struggles. Joseph seemed to be in deep thought so Tyler cleaned up first. When he came back Joseph was gone.

He was tired but decided it probably wasn't good manners to sleep on someone else's bed without their say so. He sat back down on the chair and waited patiently.

When Tyler was in the bathroom Joseph got hungry so he left to get the two of them something to eat. On his way back from sneaking food from the kitchen he ran into one of the advisors. He was immediately detained and brought to the office for scolding. He somehow made it out with the food but he thought it would be best if he avoided the advisors for a while.

When he made it back to the room he had already forgotten about the extra guest waiting for him. Opening the door he was taken aback by the sight. The lights were off to avoid suspicion but the moonlight showed through the window adding a natural glow to the room. Sitting on the chair by the window was a boy with his eyes closed. His pajamas were slightly oversized and he was a little thin for his age. His complexion was better now that he was clean and relaxed. His hair was smoother than before and it almost seemed to glow in the moonlight. He looked a little out of this world.

Joseph couldn't help but tense up a little. This person looked too much like the ghost of Taylor. A frown appeared on his lips as his mind wandered endlessly.

Why was such a person here?

Why did he look so similar to Taylor?

What does this mean?

Is Taylor really gone forever?

Joseph did his best to push these thoughts to the back of his mind. He didn't want to know the truth. He just wanted Taylor back. He put the food on the short table and went to clean up. When he came back he noticed the other staring at the food.

Joseph called out to him: You're awake again. Are you hungry?

Tyler looked at him and nodded. He seemed a little out of it. He was probably exhausted and still half asleep.

Joseph lowered his voice to speak: Come sit down and eat something. This is all there is.

Tyler got up and walked to the short table and slowly sat down. He seemed as though his leg still ached slightly. Joseph suggested that after eating he rested on one of the beds. He was going to point to Taylors bed but just like before he didn't like anything that made it look like Taylor was being replaced. In the end he swapped beds and told Tyler to use his bed.

Tyler fell asleep almost immediately after touching the pillow. Joseph lay awake for a bit then eventually dozed off. That night he dreamt of the past.

Ever since Taylor disappeared he hadn't slept well and was constantly bombarded with nightmares. Too many what ifs about Taylors disappearance. Maybe because Tyler looked so similar that for the first time in almost two weeks he dreamt of the good times he had with Taylor. He slept well and woke up late the next day.

this is literally my first story like ever so I don't expect to be able to write my thoughts and ideas for scenes and conversations perfectly but I do hope to continue to learn as I write and get better as time goes on.

therefore although it's amateur I hope that those who read it will give it a chance and maybe even give advice.

thank you.

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